Alun Karys2018-04-04 10:32:58
Alun Karys, 2018-04-04 10:32:58

Is there still a place in the market for online services for a diary?

I myself tried many services and applications, both well-known (todoist, any.do, etc.), and not so much, but I didn’t find any ideally suitable for myself. Because of this, the question is, is it worth spending time developing the finished product and involving other people to work on it, or should I stick with the version for personal use, written in my spare time?
In general, the question is very short and simple:

Is there room in the online services market for yet another task planner/time-management tool/daily planner?

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5 answer(s)
awesomer, 2018-04-04

Perhaps yes. The sit is here.
But turning a hobby into a product is not the same as programming.

dmshar, 2018-04-04

There is a place. And creating a service is not a problem. But to convince others that this is something they cannot do without - that is the question. He himself gave examples of services that seem to exist, but also, as it were, "not right." Those. they failed to prove that they are "what you need." And this happens not because the service is bad, but because there is not enough money for promotion, but also other resources (time, labor, thoughtful advertising, etc.)
If you are ready to provide this component, it makes sense to spend energy if no, I wouldn't recommend it. Your resources can be put to better use.

Griboks, 2018-04-04

There is a huge place for offline diaries. More precisely, they can be online, but only in vpn. The main problem now is data security and confidentiality.

Danil Karimov, 2018-06-25

As you yourself said:

I myself tried a lot of services and applications, both well-known (todoist, any.do, etc.), and not so much, but I did not find any ideally suitable for myself.

And so do everyone who is looking for the perfect diary. Probably, this simply does not exist and the search stops at a more or less acceptable option. And this cell will soon be full, if you do not offer something in excess of what is already available.
An example from practice. An investor came up with an idea: a task tracker + diary. He described how he sees it, what should be there, the concept. We needed a team and a person who organizes the development. Requirements for a product manager, as in a textbook from Silicon Valley: he should have already developed this, there should be failures and successes, burning eyes and a full stomach.
He was offered a technology based on AI: it simplified the interface, had a scale for learning. The product could be displayed both in the b2b and b2c segments. In general, it didn't work out. The fire gradually began to melt in the eyes of the investor and the case was hushed up.
The moral of this fable is this: the abundance that is already on the market - it already exists and doing something to the heap - will not add success, due to the exponential distribution. Therefore, if there is a burning desire to create such a product, think in the direction of what exactly will attract users to it: "space" or simplicity. Both will require something new.
Hope it was helpful!

Nikolai Pirogov, 2018-04-04

As already mentioned, after the product appears, you also need to convince that it is the most optimal for work. Then you can unhook the market share, but with a weak promotion, you should not meddle, especially on the foreign market, it is more difficult there. Also, don't forget your competitors. If the product is of lower quality, then it is not a fact that they will pay attention to it.

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