cicatrix2017-10-11 16:21:48
cicatrix, 2017-10-11 16:21:48

Is there an ideal email client for Windows?

Understanding a huge pile of all kinds of "best" mail clients, I somehow already got lost, because there is simply no time to test all varieties. Therefore, I'm asking for help, maybe someone can advise:
Task: you need to install an email client on your wife's computer (i.e., a person who is not very knowledgeable)
The essence of the problem: get a mail client under Windows, preferably free, preferably open source ( but in general, a proprietary one worth up to $20 will do) that would meet the following requirements:
wife's requirements:
* Pretty (this is important!) / not a gory GUI, a sane arrangement of elements and not too mysterious icons /
now my requirements are:
* No external "cloud" storage, all mail and attachments are stored only locally. (IMAP is not needed)
* Support for multiple mailboxes (minimum 5)
* Ability to configure rules, folder sorters, auto-replies, etc.
* Ability to view all email headers without a tambourine (one click is desirable).
* To be able to work without connecting to the developer's site.
PS I myself use TheBat of some ancient version and am generally satisfied, but my wife turns her nose up at him, well, and somehow it looks outdated.

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4 answer(s)
Sergey, 2017-10-11

Under all of the above, Thunderbird fits .
But it's better to set up redirection from your mail services / mailboxes to 1 specific address where you can organize sorting and so on using the service.
or deploy an Open Source mail server at home, such as Zimbra. It will pull mail from the servers you specified and store it at home in the database. Which you can backup and not worry about the safety of your mail. (Zimbra has its own web + mobile + PC client for any OS).

nfire, 2017-10-11

Actually, everything went to the web. Here is one zebat and remained. For him like skins exist.
By the way, is the mail server local? Otherwise, all this

No external "cloud" storage, all mail and attachments are stored only locally.
doesn't make sense.

res2001, 2017-10-11

TanderBird from mozilla for free.
In Windows there is a standard software for receiving mail, the successor of Outlook Express - in Windows 10 Mail is called, before it was called somehow differently.
In general, office Outlook is the most popular, but it costs money.

Peter, 2017-10-11

I use MailBird in the free version.

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