dollar2018-10-13 19:40:29
Google Chrome
dollar, 2018-10-13 19:40:29

Is there an extension that in the list of questions on the Toaster shows the author and his statistics next to the question?

For example,
how many questions the author asked,
how many answers he marked with solutions.
And then there are authors who have a ton of questions, but nothing is noted by the decisions. This somehow loses the desire to respond.

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2 answer(s)
dollar, 2018-10-19

Well, it was evening, there was nothing to do ...

Picked up something
Расширение назвал гордо Toster Comfort, хотя оно так себе.
Chrome, Firefox
Исходники на Github

Koteezy, 2018-10-14

If anyone is interested
, the data is stored in localStorage for one day, so, with each transition, he will not request information

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