agdwalker2018-06-11 07:49:56
agdwalker, 2018-06-11 07:49:56

Is there an application that implements a hidden parallel desktop on Android with a transition through the lockscreen?

I am looking for an application that implements an alternative Android desktop / account, where you can install your applications, or duplicate existing ones on the main account, with your own data set.
It should not show any hints of its existence on the phone. The transition must be carried out by entering an alternative graphic key on the lockscreen, or a given fingerprint.
That is, we enter the "normal" key on the lockscreen - we get into the standard android shell. We enter a "especially secret" key - we get into a certain secret space, with our own set of applications and data.
Applications that implement primitive AppLock - dofiga. There are also applications and launchers with an alternative workspace. But they clearly offer to enter a password to access applications or data, clearly indicating that the owner has something to hide, or that there are some particularly interesting things on the phone :) Lockscreens are just a billion in the play store, but they all went wrong along the way of adding unique features, including this one, and along the way of adding new boring wallpapers, all kinds of whistleblowers and widgets
:( very convenient.I am
interested in applications with a secret in the screenlock, or a fingerprint.Do you know such?
If not, join the search, or write your version, there will be more of one cool thing in the world!

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1 answer(s)
Ainur Shakirov, 2018-06-11

MIUI is out of the box. You can create multiple profiles and each profile opens with its own key/fingerprint. There are no hints, if you do not go into the user settings.

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