tony14832013-11-24 12:04:04
tony1483, 2013-11-24 12:04:04

Is there a relationship between the number of videos on a youtube channel and the number of subscribers (number of views) at the very beginning of the channel's existence?

Just a week ago, I opened a training channel on youtube (in preparation for the exam - that is, there is a potential audience). Of course, there is a desire to gain an audience (subscribers).
The question is, what is the best period for adding new videos ? Now there are 2 videos on channel. It is possible to add new videos with a frequency of 2 videos per week.
In other words, do not pay attention to the small number of subscribers for now and try to add as many new videos as possible (to cover as many tasks as possible) or focus on promotion (maybe someone will advise whether there is a lot of sense in contextual advertising)? After deleting video responses, are there any ways (other than private messages) to lure subscribers from other channels?

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1 answer(s)
Boris Syomov, 2013-11-24

All of the following observations relate to personal experience as a subscriber, not a video blogger. =) But I'm interested in these principles, and this is exactly how I would act by analyzing the channels to which I am subscribed or not already subscribed, or not subscribed.
In order for you to have a subscriber, you must already have a certain number of videos on topics of interest to him, so that he understands that the channel is alive, and this is not a couple of videos that you can watch and move on, in extreme cases, put it in "watch later" .
If the videos are not quite short, then a dozen is already enough not to "get enough" right away. =) But the more there are, the more likely it is to get a subscription.
Then, when there is material, 2-3 videos per week are usually enough to stir up interest in the channel. Even 1 is often enough if the videos are unusual or well done or informative. Those. the better the material, the higher the loyalty of subscribers, and the less often you need to remind yourself of yourself in order to get the same result.
But delays of more than a month, or several videos of other topics in a row, often significantly reduce the number of subscribers.

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