TANK_IST2014-10-10 14:30:58
Graphic arts
TANK_IST, 2014-10-10 14:30:58

Is there a plugin to quickly save an image from a layer?

You need a plugin for FS with which you can quickly save the selected layer into a separate image.
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Vasily Nikonorov, 2014-10-19

If you are a user of Photoshop version CC and higher, in order to save a layer (or a group of layers) as a separate image, it is enough to enable content generation (I don’t know how it’s correct in Russian, in the English version: File → Generate → Image Assets). After that, any layer whose name you add a file extension to (for example, layer_name.jpg or layer_name.png) will be automatically saved as a separate image in the %PSD_file_name%-assets folder. A folder will also be created automatically in the directory where your PSD file is located.
Need to save images for retina? Write the layer name like this: 200% [email protected]
Need to save one layer, in multiple sizes? Relevant for icons (for example, you want to save an icon with a size of 72 × 72 px and 256 × 256 px). Write the layer name like this:
72x72 layer_name_small.png, 256x256 layer_name_big.png
Photoshop will automatically generate two images layer_name_small.png and layer_name_big.png
Additional saving options can be added separated by commas. One limitation: the layer name cannot exceed 256 characters.
Video on the content generation function from Adobe tv.adobe.com/watch/companion-videos-for-inspire/ge...
If you use earlier versions of Photoshop (CS6) , I recommend paying attention to the plugins:
Renderly (free) or Hat($40). Or take a look at the vk.com/adobefuckers group - there are a lot of interesting things there.

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