RionRedhand2019-12-21 11:38:10
RionRedhand, 2019-12-21 11:38:10

Is there a complete history of Java applets?

I'm doing a talk at a university and part of my topic is the history of Java applets. The problem is that somehow I can't find it fully. On the same Habré there is only the history of Java itself, but not about applets, there is somehow super little about them.
So, does anyone know where I can read more about this?

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2 answer(s)
mayton2019, 2019-12-21

The meaning of this report is not very clear. It seems like it-archeology has not yet appeared as a science.
Java Appletts, ActiveX, Macromedia/Adobe Flash are all technologies that are dead and browsers don't support them. This will be the main problem when writing a report. Nowhere to look during demo. Documentation for them is most likely in the oracle.com (sun.com) archives, you just need to look for manuals from the 90s-2000s on the manufacturer's website. I think that you can find a lot of old electronic pdf books on this topic.

Roman, 2019-12-21

Well, there is a lot of it and scattered and not in the Russian segment of the Internet.
We will have to collect bit by bit, conduct a kind of investigation, translate, accumulate links to sources. Since 1995. Foreign computer magazines, patents, research articles, confrontations between corporations. So in order to take a book and everything is written there (a detailed history), in the case of a report it will not work, all by yourself, all by yourself. For real. Moreover, applets have been a little dead for a long time and no one needs them, even the creators of the technology want to forget about them and not remember them anymore.
Since there is not enough information on the wiki.

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