soloukhin2015-09-30 12:27:35
Network administration
soloukhin, 2015-09-30 12:27:35

Is mail stored on hosting?

Implemented sending notifications from the site to email users. Sending without saving somewhere in a visible place. Question: is it stored anywhere at all? in some hosting cache there .. As well as mail addresses. Or is it all confidential?

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5 answer(s)
Руслан Федосеев, 2015-09-30
@martin74ua Куратор тега Сетевое администрирование

отправляемые письма уходят по smtp. Никакого сохранения не предусмотрено протоколом.
Если хотите иметь копию - настройте ваши скрипты отправки писем так, чтобы в bcc был указан ваш ящик.

Igor Petrov, 2011-09-30

Write some kind of web "service"-questionnaire. In the database, of course, there will be both processed and unprocessed information. Accordingly, the logic should carry out statistics on your data, build beautiful diagrams and generate reports in pdf.
It is difficult to limit ourselves to the topic here - both all kinds of testing in programming languages, and the questions “what kind of paste do you brush your teeth with?”.
There will not be much innovation, but you can take it for a diploma.

NjabuloJahra, 2011-09-30


Andrew, 2011-09-30

Write the selection of the coefficients of the ARMA model on genetic algorithms (you will have to use almost the entire arsenal listed by you).

Zamorozka, 2011-09-30

I wrote a neural network in java as a term paper to build a shopping cart, that is, how you can lay out products in a store. Well, for example, crackers and nuts next to beer, dumplings next to sour cream, etc.
The program was on swing and there was not even a database.
The plans were to write a web interface, connect the database + make it possible to connect various algorithms (in the form of third-party libraries) for building a model (data mining).
In my opinion, a very interesting topic.
PS: Unfortunately, in the 5th year, my teacher changed and I had to choose a different topic.

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