denn2020-03-26 18:09:55
Domain Name System
denn, 2020-03-26 18:09:55

Is it worth starting a project with a Cyrillic domain?

Generally there are two domains. One in English, the other in Cyrillic. Both domains are sonorous, but the question is, is it worth starting a project on a Cyrillic domain and what problems can there be on the server side and SEO? I'm going to use WordPress and Bitrix.
Or is it not worth bothering and using the redirect function from Cyrillic to Latin?

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4 answer(s)
Rollex, 2020-03-26

Have you ever actively used a site in Cyrillic? For the sake of interest, I went to them when they appeared, but nothing more.

Ziptar, 2020-03-26

2 domains that prevents you from registering and using both?

Saboteur, 2020-03-27

the Cyrillic domain will not be in the mail, and will not be popular abroad (and there are Russian-speaking people who simply do not set themselves the Russian layout, for a rare need)

Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-03-30

The usual advice is to put a mirror.
However, people do not drive in a domain. They drive in a slogan and the first link is your site, often in the com zone

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