Vlad Noskov2015-12-31 11:16:40
Vlad Noskov, 2015-12-31 11:16:40

Is it worth migrating a Wopdpress site to PHP7 if the hosting supports it?

According to all publications, PHP7 gives an increase in speed almost twice, so you don’t want to miss such a performance increase. Do I still need to configure wordpress?

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5 answer(s)
vooD, 2015-12-31

First, what version of Wordpress are you using? Are you sure that your version of Wordpress supports php7?
Secondly, it is important to understand that with a performance increase, everything is not so simple. In fact, the long-known opcache has been merged into PHP7. What used to be an extension is now part of the core of the language. The thing is that most likely opcache was installed on your hosting before, so migrating to PHP7 will not give a significant increase.
Third, see the picture: atkritka.com/upload/iblock/903/atkritka_1355728002...

romy4, 2015-12-31


Mykola, 2015-12-31

Updated to 4.4 and then switched the php version to 7 on the host. The flight is normal.

Puma Thailand, 2015-01-01

pumainthailand.com works fast on my old php too

Igor Vorotnev, 2015-01-02

Already half a year on PHP7, several sites, production. Some of them have recently also been on HTTP/2. The flight is wonderful.

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