Dmitry Dmitriev2017-01-19 22:53:58
Web development
Dmitry Dmitriev, 2017-01-19 22:53:58

Is it worth learning the web in 2017, are there any alternatives?

1st year of university, went for show, at the same time I'm trying to study as a web developer. At the moment, html5 + css3, I'm going to touch java next, point me in the right direction. There are a couple of web studios in the region, but for other orders they pay no more than 2-5k (it seems too modest to me). About free orders for a portfolio, of course, but then the same 2k will remain. Well, actually the essence of the question: is it worth moving further in this direction or transfer to something else? And you don’t have to write about “the programmer himself must choose what to write and what to do”, because in IT not so long ago, he didn’t really figure out what he liked.

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7 answer(s)
Ivan Shevtsov, 2017-01-20

web development is very popular now, any company without a website turns into dust. Therefore, we need studios, companies that will develop websites to order. Personally, in my region (Krasnodar), the creation of sites is highly valued, now the creation of sites starts from at least 10,000.
Now what you need to know:
I think in this order, and if you wish, already js, which you can, in principle, do without, or now any script is on the Internet, and learn the language to create an existing one, it makes no sense. Although there are exceptions, it happens that there is no solution and you have to order scripts from developers.

xmoonlight, 2017-01-19

There are so many objects on HTML5 that at least 5 years will be enough for you.
Learn native JS and frameworks for working with graphics and HTML5 objects.
If you want to do quality work, learn to work in pairs: a designer (someone else) and a [layout + front-coder] (you).

Pavel, 2017-01-19

2k what? Gingerbread? If I were you, I would go there and work hard for free to learn something and leave already with the full awareness of "I want"

CapeRatel, 2017-01-20

For any professional, there is always a job and it is highly paid.

Nikolai Konyukhov, 2017-01-20

A friend has a real example: a client-server application was developed for desktop and mobile platforms (ios, android, win) with attempts to do it cross-platform, as much as possible, using C # under Xamarin and a server one on RoR. As a result, a year later, the management came to the conclusion that it was too straining and expensive to cut for all platforms - they decided to transfer everything to WebView, that is, to completely make the application in the browser.
The web is actively developing and is already spreading to the client - web applications are no longer just landing pages and online stores.
Well, in terms of language, the choice is wide: python, php, java, .NET, RoR, etc.

Frel, 2017-01-20

If the web is not interesting, then mob. development or move to Moscow or St. Petersburg!

seosova, 2018-03-17

Half of the answers are very certainly outdated. Decide your fate, if you are capable and interested in complex development, take java and cut, cut, cut, by course 4 you will find a good job as a junior, by 25 years you will get above the market in the region of 150-200k working in some kind of enterprise, unless of course crazy don't come down.
If this is not your thing, take the web, everything is more spacious there. Html5 is only at the level of tags back and forth, study http requests and at least the general concepts of rest, css3 must-have, it should be just like a second language. Just don't get stuck on bootstrap and junk in layout (like float left, oveflow hidden, etc.). Take fresh everything at once, flexbox/grid. Next jQwery - don't even think it's 2018.
php/python. Well, I wouldn't both. Pyhon is good if you go to big data and academic education, but in terms of sites, yes django is good, but when you take it, you will soon realize that you don’t just need it, but as a ballast. Now the whole front goes further and further into js frameworks (react, angular, vue) and in fact all these django, yii, symphony templates, you will just be sidelined, and the whole framework will be replaced by one rest plugin. In the end, you will understand that if you spend 90% of your time on js, then why do you need django / python, when you can easily replace it with nodejs / express and work in the same ecosystem and not have problems with server rendering and so on. With php, the same story, only it is already different from python. Yes, the language is developing, Ms. a bunch of tsms, but in terms of salary you will quickly hit the ceiling and eventually look towards python / ruby ​​/ netcore and so on. And there is a circle again Why is this if everything is in js. Basically, what is my message. Learn javascript, modern javascript as a serious language, look for tools, builders, etc. All the same, you will have to write on whatever you write. Learn nodejs, a front-end framework. Trust them the future. Especially with your age. And don’t listen to what they tell you, just look at the real labor market and technology, it’s better in the world, not only here. I wrote on rails and symphony and django. All this was cool, but at one time, unfortunately, it was gone (I don’t write Bitrix Wordpress, etc., this is not at all the level you can start with them, so that it was for food for the first time). Trust them the future. Especially with your age. And don’t listen to what they tell you, just look at the real labor market and technology, it’s better in the world, not only here. I wrote on rails and symphony and django. All this was cool, but at one time, unfortunately, it was gone (I don’t write Bitrix Wordpress, etc., this is not at all the level you can start with them, so that it was for food for the first time). Trust them the future. Especially with your age. And don’t listen to what they tell you, just look at the real labor market and technology, it’s better in the world, not only here. I wrote on rails and symphony and django. All this was cool, but at one time, unfortunately, it was gone (I don’t write Bitrix Wordpress, etc., this is not at all the level you can start with them, so that it was for food for the first time).
As a result, either serious back-end and enterprise development with Java if you can handle it.
Or modern sites with js.
In general, both there and there, the salary will be approximately the same, although in java, of course, the ceiling is higher, but it’s also more difficult to live.
So look to the future. You work with this in the future, better choose well. And do not rush to the first sn, somewhere the start is more difficult, but all the fun does not end at 80k.
Sorry for any mistakes, I was typing on my phone while walking.

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