Anton2015-04-24 13:37:53
Anton, 2015-04-24 13:37:53

Is it smart to use xampp as a production server?

I got into an argument with my colleagues at work. They complained that the web server slowed down. They have OS Windows Server 2012, it's just XAMPP, on which everything is spinning. Apache loads about 60% of the CPU resources.
I say: mb is it in xamppe? And do I need to use IIS or install Apache muscle directly?
I was told: what's the difference? xampp performs all the same functions, starts the same services.
And I thought. Is it so?
Is it reasonable to use XAMPP as a permanent production server?

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5 answer(s)
Anton Pronin, 2015-04-24

It's all over, just set up xampp to work, and you most likely left it in the same configuration as for debug, Everything is decided by the settings

Artem, 2015-04-24

It is possible - yes.
Reasonable - no.

Sergey, 2015-04-24

Reasonable. Get smart tips on what to do and how to do it. THIS is not something that can then add hemorrhoids during the transfer. But you can’t buy experience for what shisha

zooks, 2015-04-24

On Windows - no, pretty slow. Although the same is written about WampServer.
No amount of disabling IPv6 solves the problem. And this slowness interferes with development, imagine what kind of horror is happening under real load.

Anton, 2015-04-30

And what can be configured there that will significantly change the work of xampp?
What type of settings will these be? Settings to increase the memory allocated to servers? (we do such for the Apache ThreadStack it seems is called). caching settings? We make these for the muscle. For PHP, except perhaps the limits on working with files and the execution time of scripts and error_reporting. This completes our settings.

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