Artem Garashko2018-12-26 16:37:46
Artem Garashko, 2018-12-26 16:37:46

Is it safe to use a third party API service to integrate with WhatsApp?

I found three services that allow you to integrate with WhatsApp in order to integrate a bot for the customer.
I tried the services - they work. There are no complaints here. Indeed, you can do what you have in mind: mailing to the client base, accepting answers from users, and through integration with your server, the bot will answer questions. Not as cool and convenient as Telegram, but nevertheless ..
The question is how safe is it to use these services? Is it worth betting on them? On what terms do they work with WhatsApp Inc? Do they pay them? How do they integrate? What is the probability that now that Facebook is launching the official API, these services will not be closed? Who are these people anyway? There is no information about the authors on the site. Yur did not find the face. WHOIS domain check also failed. Who knows what?

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3 answer(s)
Tom Nolane, 2018-12-26

Is it safe to use a third party API service to integrate with WhatsApp?

WhatsApp does not have an open API
to do the above, most likely they do it through an "emulator". WhatsApp actively monitors this and sooner or later blocks the account number. You won't be able to send something in bulk. On a personal scale (for example, 20 people with no more than 1000 messages per month - perhaps)
, nothing prevents the developers of these services from taking (or using) your account for their own purposes, tk. you act through them, not directly

Artem Garashko, 2020-03-13

I answered a question to myself a year ago. Maybe someone will come in handy.
Facebook has launched an official API for WhatsApp, but it is only relevant for large businesses. Connection from 50 to 150 thousand rubles, depending on the provider. Also, about 30 thousand monthly fees for a certain package of recipients. Messages within 24 hours from the moment the user wrote are free, and outside of 24 hours you have to pay 3-4 rubles for each.
All this is an expensive story and Facebook monetizes big business well.
Small business uses at its own risk the so-called. "gray" integrations from services that reengineer the process and provide their service to everyone. The most notable consumer-friendly ones I know of are Umnico, I2CRM. There are others designed for the developer, such as the ones I listed in the first post above.
It’s better not to joke with mailing lists and bots on WhatsApp and stick to the 24-hour rule.
Who cares how the story ends. As a result, we integrated with the Umnico.com service, which have several integrations at once, and also integrate with Bitrix24 Open Lines.
Our experiments have grown into a chatbot startup and our own platform.
Who cares, check https://metabot24.com

alfredoldgoodboy, 2021-02-18

Oh cool, thanks. I myself worked with ChatAPI and RAPIWA, now I'm checking your metabot.
Well, in general, of course, I want to switch to something official, of course

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