tibitibidoh2017-03-22 11:39:43
Server equipment
tibitibidoh, 2017-03-22 11:39:43

Is it possible to use one system unit for the work of all employees?

The thought came up, is it possible to take one powerful system unit, put a couple of video cards on 4-6 monitors in it and organize the work of 8-12 people in this way? (the work is purely managerial: mail and text, video editing, etc. is not expected ...)
If someone has come across such a technology, please share links to software and technology names to implement such an idea!
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Axian Ltd., 2017-03-22

The technology is called mainframe. The cost of the system starts at $100k. Correctly becomes not so - the server + thin clients.

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