liteppuano2018-08-20 17:25:20
liteppuano, 2018-08-20 17:25:20

Is it possible to stream videos from multiple phones to a PC over the Internet?

You need to set up the broadcast of the event.
What is the situation:
There is a sporting event in the mountains, where it catches 4g, there are many phones.
There is an announcer and a PC a few hundred from the event and good gigabyte internet.
What you need:
It is necessary for the announcer to be able to switch scenes in OBS, in which broadcast from several phones (about 10) will be configured.
There is an idea to make a separate broadcast on YouTube for each phone, open all these broadcasts on a PC in different windows and set up the scenes in this way.
But something tells me that this is such a good crutch, especially not the fact that the laptop will pull all 10 windows with video streams. maybe there is some kind of equipment for such purposes or special. ON? I will be glad to any advice.

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