arctblake2016-03-25 19:09:24
arctblake, 2016-03-25 19:09:24

Is it possible to launch such a project?

Hi Hi.
I started programming about six months ago, and took up the web after NG. I studied and study Django and JS. I read Django Unleashed, read part of Kantor's JS tutorial, was about to start delving into the topic, when out of nowhere an acquaintance fell on me with a request to write a site for him. Cafe website with the possibility of ordering at home, that is, with a basket, registration, etc. I understood that I did not have enough knowledge to implement all this (I then had no idea what ajax was, how to make a basket, and much more). In addition, he didn’t have a design, so I also had a design (generally speaking, I’m not a designer, although I have some skills in FS). In short, I should have refused, but I decided that, damn it, it would be very useful to start doing something beyond my strength in order to grow muscles in the process. So I agreed.
What is the point? Right now I have an almost finished site. Here is all the functionality you need (basket, registration, profiles, interface for staff, pop-up notifications about new orders, like messages in VK, statistics on revenue and demand for dishes with charts), and he likes the design - in short, he did everything he wanted familiar and even more. And I seem to have done processing wherever there may be errors so that the site does not crash (both in Django code and in JS). BUT!!! As I said, this order fell on me unexpectedly, just at the moment when, firstly, I was going to finally install Linux and start understanding it (all my life on Windows), and secondly, when I was about to start learn Test Driven Development with Python and, thirdly, when I wanted to start delving into JS (when he approached me, I only learned the basics, I didn’t even get to the DOM). And I was also going to acquire normal knowledge of layout. What am I for? To the fact that, damn it, I was going to start learning very important things, without knowing which sites, as it were, do not write :)
Since there were deadlines, then, accordingly, I didn’t have time to figure out jQuery (I didn’t even have time to start), neither in testing, nor in a bunch of other useful things. All the JS written for the project is just written using some quick acquired knowledge of DOM + XMLHttpRequest, i.e. no frameworks. It looks something like this: send an ajax request, process the response, create elements with data from the response, give them the necessary classes, insert them into the document, and they will acquire styles according to the classes.
And on the server side there is no test.
I took care of security as best I could (I created decorators to check is_staff and is_superuser and wrapped everything I needed with them; in views I check whether the Ajax request came or not; I use csrf; clean for forms). But after reading about what vulnerabilities are on the site, I'm not sure that I didn't leave loopholes.
Is it possible to launch such a project? That is, everything works fine, it looks great, but the JS is like this (raw or something .. I don’t know what to call it), without tests and with not the greatest confidence in security? I don’t know how to deploy and I’m not familiar with git (this is all in the plans), so I’ll just tell him to find a freelancer who will deploy an already finished project.

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5 answer(s)
Pan Propan, 2016-03-25

You don’t write the Pentagon’s defense system, but everything is just a website of some kind of cafe. Be bold, set up backups, and then close bugs.

un1t, 2016-03-25

Believe my experience, even large companies sometimes have people who know something like you or even less, and they receive money and they are not ashamed, they even consider themselves pros. I know many, they work for 5 years and work more in programming and they don’t know how to write tests and are not going to study. Wrote, the project works, the customer is satisfied - everything is fine. And write tests or study react.js there and still have time.

Gasoid, 2016-03-25

It is possible, even necessary, at the same time you will learn how to deploy
if you haven’t turned off the csrf token check anywhere, then everything is fine,
no one will come running to a new site to hack it or something like that, in general, run,

Ainur Shakirov, 2016-03-25

You don't need a beam without tests. Upload it somewhere (free hosting) and ask your friends to mock him. To introduce nonsense, turn off js checks, spoof requests (if they can do it). There are a few bugs popping up.
It will be even better if you ask someone more experienced to check for holes. If they break and steal addresses, it will be bad for everyone. Or Friel. For a small site, I think they won’t take much. But from hemorrhoids will be less.
He also got into the web. I started to study the web, they asked for a simple site, a one-stop shop (with the acceptance of applications (ala landing)). There was not much code, but the layout was there ... it's still a shame.
< /IMHO>

angru, 2016-03-28

I agree with the majority of those who answered And you need to deploy it yourself. In general, be glad that you have a real project, so experience accumulates much faster. Just keep in mind that you still have a lot to refine in this project, so don't relax.

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