PaladinDobra2021-01-06 20:19:40
Career in IT
PaladinDobra, 2021-01-06 20:19:40

Is it possible to get a middle job without work experience?

I have repeatedly seen the opinion that "you are June until you have worked in the office." In principle, I can understand the logic, but I would like to understand, is everything so critical?

That is, if you learn theory, practice it on pet projects/freelance/codewars, etc., is that enough to be considered middle?

Speaking in specifics, using my stack as an example:

- excellent knowledge of vanilla js
- understanding of the principles of interaction between front and back
- it follows from the previous two - understanding of node.js, specific knowledge on it is still at the level of building a simple REST api without authorization checks, but I'm all same front, so I'm not in a hurry to learn it
- basic understanding of Database SQL
- of course html, css, bootstrap, sass (medium)
- React good knowledge
gulp and webpack. The first set up himself, the second is not yet, but got acquainted.
- TDD. I know how to write unit tests with and without a framework. Little practice (quickly fixable).
- git. So far, simple commit, push, pool. I know how to commit and shoot not only to the master.

I want to get acquainted with big O notation, and I am currently studying SOLID, OOP design patterns, algorithms.

Experience of working in a team with a back is available. There are no front-enders with a team of colleagues yet.

Should I position myself as a middle when applying for a job or without experience in the office are you categorically a junior?

The main question is whether it is possible to get the desired position without work experience, having 1 worthwhile project and a good knowledge of the stack + the required level of English?

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12 answer(s)
Evgeny Golubev, 2021-01-06

-The main question is whether it is possible to get the desired position without work experience, having 1 worthy project and a good knowledge of the stack + the required level of English ???
- I want to get acquainted

For starters, it’s worth pulling up the Russian ...
And the rest - if you are not a hand-cutter, all the doors are open in front of you.
I never went to get a job if your "office background" is important for the employer.
This at least shows the attitude to the selection of candidates. Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard

Denis Fedorets, 2021-01-07

The answer to the main question is yes, of course. for example, you can lie about the background. they say, he worked without registration, he worked remotely, etc. about ethics decide for yourself, your business. you can also get a job in a state office or just a small hungry company for a small price and there, instead of money, they will draw you not only a middle, but even a vice president - there will be a reason to poke a finger at a piece of paper.
well, in that spirit.
Specifically about June. specifically in Russia. I have an opinion, you can’t fucking argue that we have to go to the position of a junior only in one case - if you came to this office as a trainee.
it somehow happened that the people, in my opinion, were a little crazy with the requirements for the young, and now, in fact, a junior is practically a middle, who is forgiven for minor shortcomings and heavily underpaid.
try to get some experience, a record in the labor force, with which you can somehow splurge and immediately look for the position of the middle. sooner or later you will find it, because the middle in Yandex and the middle at IP Petrenko are categorically different middles (at least I saw an example of a transition from seniors and heads of the development department to middles in Yandex)
good luck.

Vladimir Korotenko, 2021-01-06

Talk to who is in the way, the only question for you is ignorance of some trifles, and perhaps modesty / impudence

Dmitry, 2021-01-06

There are two questions in one:
1) How can you become a middle? Middle is not knowledge of technology, it is, first of all, the ability to write non-crooked code. If you have learned this in at least one language, you will never be a junior again, even if you read about the new technology two days ago. How much does it take to learn how to write clean code? It's like learning to swim - depending on personal qualities and circumstances, from six months to half a century. It took me a long time ago two years as an odnosnik.
2) Is it possible to get a job as a middle? This is a matter of pure psychology. It depends on how literate the one who is looking for the middle, how deeply he is ready to test you, how much you are able to deceive (or maybe not deceive, but really match) and convince him that you meet his expectations. This is quite possible in small offices where there is no established testing system.
Another question is what's the point? Extra money? But you will have to pretend to be someone you are not, and this is unnecessary stress. It is better, on the contrary, to donate money and do the work to study calmly, calmly study the area, without trying to splurge. Then you will quickly become a middle and you can go to the next step: "Guys, the question is: is it possible to immediately get a job as a senbor at social security"

Vasily Bannikov, 2021-01-06

Is it possible to get a middle job without work experience?

Extremely difficult. Experience in team work and problem solving required. Understanding different technologies.
That is, if you learn theory, practice it on pet projects/freelance/codewars, etc., is that enough to be considered middle?

If you have been freelancing for a very long time and solving complex problems, then probably yes, but not exactly.
Pet projects - only if they have grown into serious open source projects that are actively exploited in production.
Should I position myself as a middle when applying for a job or without experience in the office are you categorically a junior?

Position yourself even as a senior - the last word will still be with the company that will interview you.

Slavik, 2021-01-06

For me, this is the question of the year!
The fact is that when most offices publish a vacancy for a junior, they set the requirements for a middle/senior. Thus, to get a job as a junior, you need to know at least middle, or even more, and ask for much less money for your work. I don’t know if it’s possible to get a job right away as a middle manager, because the first thing they ask at an interview is your commercial experience.
But I don’t know if it’s possible to become a middle on my pet projects, but I myself am interested.

nApoBo3, 2021-01-06

Experience working on real commercial projects is almost a must. But it may not necessarily be on the target stack.
An important nuance, for some reason, many of us think that junior differs from middle in the first place in knowledge of language constructions. This is not the case, the stack must already know jun, from the point of view of the stack, the requirements for middle and jun can be identical. Relatively speaking, a june driver is not a student of a driving school, this is someone who does not know where it is better to sleep on a truck and how to plan a flight, taking into account the tachograph and real mileage, but he must drive in exactly the same way.

CityCat4, 2021-01-06

If you want to be middle, be it! :) Life will put everything in its place anyway. Go and interview for a middle position - and you will see in practice (which, as you know, is the criterion of truth), whether it is possible or not. It all depends on the office.

Ivan V, 2021-01-07

It's better to be a junior in a conditional "Yandex" and/or an interesting project with cool colleagues than a middle in a conditional "web studio" with all sorts of stupid things instead of tasks :)

Alexander, 2021-01-06

Well, this is the knowledge of a weak junior ...
And in general, development is not only theory and spherical stores in a vacuum. Development is releases, deadlines, working with other people's code, code reviews, interacting with nerdy backenders, idiot fronts, successful project managers, arrogant leads and crazy designers. If you've never worked on a product project, you don't know the true value of features and bugs. Because of your crooked hands, the application did not fall off for 30% of users. You don't know when you can and when you don't need to write code "according to the book".
Middle is not just a person who worked in the office (by the way, not necessarily in the office, I went through the process of being a junior remotely and it was a pain). This is a person who worked with the project and people .

having 1 worthwhile project

What is it all about? Standing for you? How much money does it bring in and how much has been invested in it? Worth it in terms of code or usefulness to people? What was this team? What did you use?
position yourself as a middle

The stupidest thing you can do is to position yourself not as a "developer". At one fine moment, when I considered myself a jun+, I was invited to the position of middle middle and only because I simply indicated "Developer N" in my profile. Only because in the company "Horns and Hooves" middle is 1 year of experience, and in "Everything will be fine" middle is 2+ years and knowledge of A,B,C,D

Puma Thailand, 2021-01-07

Either you write without experience, then with freelancers and there are no projects that are experience.
A person can work as a senior with a salary of 10k on freelance all his life and nothing, but this does not mean that he is retired and without experience and only floors in the office can be hired

Maxim Korneev, 2021-01-10

means that such polymorphism we do not know. we can't learn. but already middle. amusing.

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