freeman02042016-12-16 22:37:32
freeman0204, 2016-12-16 22:37:32

Is it possible to draw a block with beveled edges through the canvas and place html there?

You need to draw similar bevels, these blocks have parallax, all the ways that I tried are not suitable for oblique corners like here. Hope only for canvas. Is it possible to draw a block with beveled edges through the canvas and place html there?
photo 1
photo 2

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1 answer(s)
_ _, 2016-12-17

There are basically two ways to do this today:
- clip-path
- transform
clip-path is the normal way, not a trick. But with cross-browser compatibility, everything is bad with him.
transform is more of a trick. Outer block skewY(5deg), nested skewY(-5deg).
Here is an example codepen.io/AMar4enko/pen/LbMmWe

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