sarsaparilla2016-02-09 16:40:02
sarsaparilla, 2016-02-09 16:40:02

Is it possible to create multiple articles in Confluence with the same title?

There is a Confluence space, which is divided into N parts. In each part there are articles that duplicate each other, they have the same title.
Is it possible to create multiple articles in Confluence with the same title?

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5 answer(s)
papurin, 2016-02-09


Max, 2016-02-09


Anton Kolin, 2016-02-09

Only blogposts and then on different days.

MiraLina, 2016-07-21

If only to go for a trick and replace some letters of the word with Latin or Cyrillic. A variant with two or more spaces between words is also possible if the page name consists of two or more words.

Vladimir Yurchenkov, 2021-04-04

Option 1: invisible special characters that do not particularly break the search and are counted as a space, but there must be a space between the character and the word. If you do not put a space, you can take part of the 2nd option.
Option 2: It has already been suggested, replace the letters with similar ones. Yes, of course, Confluence searches primarily by the page name, then tags come to the rescue. Competently formulate them, but this is a crutch.
In general, I will say from experience that working with Confluence is one big bitter experience.

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