Serezhka2013-02-11 19:24:40
Serezhka, 2013-02-11 19:24:40

Is it possible to cancel chown?

What happened is that the database does not start, the ssh connection is lost, maybe something else is not working, I don’t know.
I'm just guessing that this happened because I did the following command:
chown -R username /var
, respectively, all rights to the var folder were assigned to username.
I'm a very young, beginner, server administrator, so it's just a guess that it stopped working because I didn't do anything else.
The question is - is it possible to cancel this value somehow?
(I only have access through a special Java-console of the hoster)
If this is not the case, then how can I restore it all now?
Thanks Hetzner

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5 answer(s)
mastini, 2013-02-11

To improve skills - change everything to root, you can raise the same distribution image next to it - and compare owners ahead.
root will fix ssh at least. All other services must have their own users.
Well, the easiest way is backup and reformat.

elliadan, 2013-02-11

I just want to write, they say “rm -rf /” everything will be returned to its place. ahem, sorry :)
about the database: you most likely have databases in /var/lib/mysql, right? make mysql own it.

AxisPod, 2013-02-11

Well, it’s not worth changing the user for the entire folder, you can’t cancel it, now you need to find out which daemon works from which user and set it with handles.

Serezhka, 2013-02-11

I solved the problem, assigned mysql:mysql to the /var/lib/mysql and /var/run/mysqld folders as the main one
. Now I know how to solve the rest of the issues.
Thank you very much everyone!

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2013-02-11

run mysqld from the console - mysql will tell you what you need for happiness.

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