Dave2016-10-30 14:25:55
Dave, 2016-10-30 14:25:55

Is it possible to access IP cameras via HTTP?

I had no similar experience in the past, so I wanted to find out here.
The bottom line is:
school. There are classes for children.
There are IP cameras in every classroom. Every parent wants to be able to connect to the camera remotely (via the Internet) at any time and watch online what is happening there.
Writing a web system for all this is a matter of technique, and not a problem in general.
The main question is whether it is possible to connect to IP cameras via the HTTP protocol, and if so, please give at least some hint on relevant information.

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5 answer(s)
Andrew, 2016-10-30

In your case, access to cameras cannot be distributed directly, tk. cameras have a limited number of video sweats, usually 2 or 5, that is, at least 1000 people can connect to the camera, but only 5 will see the picture. the hardware in the camera is not powerful and it will not work to distribute video to everyone in a row.
Broadcasting through the server will solve your problem.
If you do not want (or do not have the opportunity) to modify anything yourself, then buy a ready-made solution.
You can also look at cloud options, but this is not very profitable. Although you still need to buy a separate server, if you do not choose a cloud.
I can advise:
Line www.devline.ru- good and convenient system. There is a browser view and android / ios applications. The price for a license for 1 camera is about 1000 rubles (one-time payment). Very easy to install and configure.
Macroscop macroscop.com - as far as I remember, they do not have the ability to normally look through the browser, or install the program on a PC, or through applications on android / ios. The price for a license for 1 camera is about 1800 rubles (one-time payment). Very easy to install and configure.
Outpost fpst.ru- write to them by mail, because the site only lists prices for cloud options, they will simply sell camera licenses for installation on your server. You can watch the browser or android / ios applications in turn. The price for a license for 1 camera is about 2000 rubles (one-time payment). Installation is a little more complicated than the previous options.
Yerlivideo erlyvideo.ru - perhaps the most productive of all, but it is more likely for professionals, this is an extreme option for your tasks. There is no way to watch on mobile devices out of the box.

Vitaliy Orlov, 2016-10-30

Not quite the right question, because. http is not intended for broadcasting
. You need to look at the information on the cameras and the capabilities of the software that comes with them. If there is a possibility of streaming video, then the answer is yes. If not, then you can probably write videos for 10-15 minutes into files and then send them to the browser .. but it all depends on the camera and the software that controls it ...
Honestly, I don’t remember the details, but at one time I did it on the basis simple webcams, i.e. there was a webcam and wrote a video, splitting it into files. The filename had a timestamp in it. You can watch the video through the web interface. They did it on Linux, so I just googled articles on this topic .. there, at that time, there were only a few popular solutions and I used one of them .. but I don’t remember the name of the software itself ..
PS I just looked, in my opinion the capture program was "motion": https://habrahabr.ru/search/?q=linux+motion#h

Daemon23RUS, 2016-10-30

I already answered a similar question
Here is a link to the http response of the camera
It is necessary to start from the camera model and its capabilities to give information.

Pavel Vovkotrub, 2016-11-11

There are DVRs that allow about 128 users to connect to the camera. If you have 16 cameras, then you can take two 8-channel video recorders (or one 16-channel) and distribute them so that parents can safely watch their children.
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Lexaz, 2017-01-05

debian+nginx+rtmp+ffmpeg. Take RTSP from camera or reg, and output to RTMP or HLS. I'm adding myself now. Displayed 12 cameras per page. When viewed simultaneously, everything turned sour on the browser side. As an option, display not video on the site, but screenshots from cameras with an update once a second, for example, but I haven’t dug up yet. With one, 2, 3 the video is normal. Server locally or VPS. You can connect to the DEVLINE website. There is a service there. I didn't like it because of the player. I wanted mine.

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