Hocok_B_KapMaHe2014-01-16 23:08:53
Hocok_B_KapMaHe, 2014-01-16 23:08:53

Is it possible somehow to assign explicitly in mint where to merge the hiberfile?

Good time to all!
I have an Acer Aspire S3 ultrabook.
Installed linux mint 9 isadora in multiboot.
The laptop has a built-in 20Gb ssd designed for hibernation, quick wake up, etc. in Windows 8.
Can I explicitly assign in mint where to merge the hiberfile?
I have a feeling that the ssd is not being used (although linux itself boots quickly).
In general, how can you check.
And yet, is it worth using it as a swap partition? (Will it crumble ahead of time?)

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12 answer(s)
Alexander Lebedev, 2014-01-17

Is the SSD visible as a block device?
I don't know about mint, but Fedora uses swap for hibrnate, create a swap partition/file, on ssd more than the amount of memory, and disable swap on the screw.

Azim Kurt, 2015-02-23

It was already.
The answer is easily found by a search engine

Arthur Gurinovich, 2015-02-23

OpenCart - free CMS (with a bunch of free and paid modules)
Wordpress + online store module (WooCommerce)
Bitrix + online store module

Exploits, 2015-02-23

I have been working with Opencart for a long time and I can confidently say - choose it. A lot of modules are free and very good paid modules at low prices. There is a filter, blog, SEO to the fullest.
As a beginner, I recommend a resource on Opencart where each field is described and instructions for using and self-improving the engine.
P.S. By the way, the engine is easy to understand and has a clear structure.

Puma Thailand, 2015-02-23


Renat Bugrov, 2015-02-23

of the known
cloud ( Saas ) platforms
shopium.com (in Russian)
from hosted
I would probably start with a saas solution, after checking the viability of the magician, I would move on to the hosted solution

Sanes, 2015-02-23

CS-Cart of course. There is a free version. Bitrix, if you use 1C.

Vyacheslav Aliev, 2015-02-23

  • WP+Woocommerce (Free)
  • Bitrix (paid)

Salavat Sharapov, 2015-02-23

I'm glad from the bottom of my heart that Joomla wasn't offered to you. well nah.

AlexanderM2, 2016-03-06

Bitrix is ​​a good option if money allows.
SimplaCMS - simple tsms, but average functionality and price.
JETCMS - Norm functional, There is even sending SMS to the client. Convenient web admin panel
insales cool functionality, only an expensive subscriber every

KatharinaD, 2017-06-02

CS-Cart we use it. no complaints. satisfied.
Here is another good comparison of CS-Cart and Bitrix https://www.cs-cart.ru/blog/cs-cart-ili-1s-bitriks...

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