Pavel2015-01-06 18:58:34
Pavel, 2015-01-06 18:58:34

Is a "mystical" database rollback possible on digitalocean.com?

Tell me, there is a store site, no one touched its "inside", the price and product categories were edited, after a while the site dropped all updates, nothing happened in the PU hosting, on the server itself, too, how to find out how this happened?

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2 answer(s)
Dimitri, 2015-01-06

the connection was probably lost and nothing was recorded, personally I do everything on my machine (like YuAT) and then unload the base into the ocean (PRODUCTION)

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2015-01-06

Perhaps mysql did not flash the changes to disk, but the virtual machine was rebooted.
Look at the uptime of the virtual machine

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