bram4eg2015-10-26 16:16:45
Network administration
bram4eg, 2015-10-26 16:16:45

ip-mac-port binding?

The d'link DES-3028 L2 switch has the ip-mac-port-binding function, which binds the computer's ip-mac bundle to the switch port. Everything works all cool, but I want to understand the logic.
How does the switch understand which ip came to it on the port if it only works with frames and does not operate with ip packets?

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2 answer(s)
throughtheether, 2015-10-26

it works only with frames and does not operate with ip packets?
Any model is incorrect under certain conditions, any abstraction has "holes" through which reality, given in sensations, peeps through. This statement is an example of such a model.
Regarding your question, no one is able to prevent the switch from parsing the payload of a frame, which is often an IP packet.

Puma Thailand, 2015-10-26

Well, how does it not operate when it operates birches from IP protocol packets address and operates at the same Arp level, for example

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