Aleksey Kuzmin2018-02-27 18:18:22
Network administration
Aleksey Kuzmin, 2018-02-27 18:18:22

IP KVM for desktop PC for remote control up to $100?

I am looking for analogues of iLO / iDrac / IPMI that can be screwed to desktop PCs.
The goal is to remotely control a PC.

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3 answer(s)
d-stream, 2018-02-27

Searching the market for intel remote management - throws out modules for about 3000 rubles.
And now, supposedly, almost all mothers with Intels on board are able to do this to one degree or another, if the functionality is not slaughtered on purpose.
Well, or an old intel vPRO https://habrahabr.ru/company/intel/blog/138377/

TOMMTOMM, 2018-03-28

Purpose - remote PC control?
LiteManager should then fit.

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