DredWolf2020-08-04 20:46:59
Career in IT
DredWolf, 2020-08-04 20:46:59

In what area of ​​IT is it easier to find a job (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg)?

Where, according to your experience and opinion in the regions (for example, Rostov), ​​is it possible to find a job as soon as possible for a student, junior or beginner. I myself am engaged in frontend development for myself, for the soul, I would like to get professional experience. But the question is to quickly (for example, after half a year of study) find a job in it, because I want to eat :)
*please answer without jokes, since the question is serious, and the refrigerator is empty*

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-08-04

If the primary task for you now is to start earning as soon as possible, then it is better to forget about IT. It is easier to make money on the trading floor, at a construction site, driving and in other areas that do not require high qualifications. No jokes.

index0h, 2020-08-04

The easiest is QA. In general, a quick start is not about IT.

xmoonlight, 2020-08-05

In any , if you want to get experience instead of money. While there is no experience - you can only work for "food" (as you wanted).
If you want money without knowledge, this is not IT.
PS: location doesn't matter at all.

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