Andrey Krytsky2014-05-03 13:21:08
Andrey Krytsky, 2014-05-03 13:21:08

IDE development by the Russian-speaking community?

Looking for : open-source project IDE for C++, C# for Windows.
Important: IDE is developed by the Russian-speaking community.
• monodevelop
• sharpdevelop
• DevCpp
• wxDev-C++
There is an opinion that programmers in Russia should learn English and participate in projects on foreign forums. But I see that " Habr " lives, uniting the Russian-speaking community, there is Toster .
There are people who, like me, want to participate in the development of an IDE (a very interesting and multifaceted topic), they can just get experience, or they can do something useful, but in the Russian-speaking community.
Who can tell where to find a project, forum, blog, or like-minded people to start with?

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5 answer(s)
Sergey Lerg, 2014-05-03

That's right, the projects are international, English is needed for communication.
There is an interesting experience in terms of the Russian language: I was interested in ZeroBrane Studio - an IDE for Lua, contacted the developer via IRC, contributed to the development of the project, and it turned out that the developer is Russian-speaking (but lives in the USA), that is, in principle, one could communicate in Russian.
If you want to participate in the development of something in Russian, then it is more logical to look for Russian-speaking people inside the project than a completely Russian-speaking project.
And knowledge of English certainly will never be superfluous.

Dmitry, 2014-05-03

Why are you so afraid to learn English? This is not only the language of potential enemies, but above all it is the language with which a huge amount of technical information is expressed. Whether you like it or not, but now a programmer who knows this bourgeois language, as a rule, wins more compared to those who do not know this language! Perhaps you should just take it and start learning, looking for ways to make it easier to study it.

VISTALL, 2014-06-05

It doesn't matter what language you speak.
I'm doing Consulo there is a .NET plugin. The IDE itself is based on IDEA. There is progress. Part can be seen here vistall.livejournal.com or on Habré

FoxInSox, 2014-05-03

www.jetbrains.com - about 200 (if I'm not mistaken) Russian-speaking like-minded people. Jobs are always open: www.jetbrains.com/company/jobs

cigan, 2014-05-31

Find the Nemerle project. The guys there are sawing integration with VS-2008 ... 2013 and work there is a sea.

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