Microwave Electromagnetic2014-01-01 20:55:05
Microwave Electromagnetic, 2014-01-01 20:55:05

I want to be a programmer, but I can't. How to move forward?

I'm in the 9th grade. I want to ask several questions at once:
1) Learning from books. School computer science does not give anything new (probably like yours). All we do is type in Word and so on. but just recently a new teacher came to us - now they teach us Pascal.

  • Is it true that at the university, as well as at school (I'm talking about computer science and programming), they don't give practically any essential knowledge?
2) Which language to choose for further study. The question is rather holistic, but this is what I'm waiting for. I'm interested in creating applications. And the creation of applications is much more interesting than the development of games. If you choose between mobile development and development on a PC (Only Windows, from here they will probably immediately advise C) I am more inclined towards mobile, due to the fact that there are more opportunities + perspective.

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17 answer(s)
Sild, 2014-01-01

what the fuck guys. write code, instead of fucking questions on a few sheets of a4 on a toaster.

CAMOKPYT, 2014-01-02

1) Do not believe in the actively promoted myth about the worthlessness of universities, no one has canceled the mathematical base. No one deals with the web or forms after 2-3 years of work experience, because this is a boring and monotonous job, then you will want to do programming, no books will help, you just don’t want to spend 1-2 years to master all this and You will be a Senior Frontend Developer with 10 years of experience. The university provides the necessary base. C++ builder or asm for 8086? This is quite normal, this is the base. At the initial stage, it is much easier to ask a teacher than to google, it is very very difficult to study from books on your own, especially the very basics. To go free swimming, you need to sit at least 2 courses in pairs in order to have an idea what to google. And at the university they teach English, for a programmer it is even more important than mathematics.
2)3) As for the choice of the first language, I believe that pure C can be studied only under the strict supervision of a knowledgeable teacher and after at least half a year of studying Computer Science, otherwise only Pascal. In the first language, the main thing is to learn how to express algorithms in code and use the environment a little bit (files\graphics\memory) and that's it. It is not necessary to demand industrial relevance from the first language. Learning the basics of programming is much more difficult than just learning the syntax of a language. In general, it’s better to first get knowledge directly from the Computer Science course, for example, I first took the course of Operating Systems and Environments and the course of Computer Networks, and after six months we practiced socket programming and flow control, when you understand at the OS level what and how it works at least superficially, then programming becomes much easier and no matter what language. As for the following languages, it’s rather hard to say, on the one hand, you need to choose a branch, but in order to choose you need to know which industry you like, but until you program in it, you won’t be able to understand, a kind of recursion. I advise you to choose 3 languages ​​\u200b\u200bat once and study them, and first of all, not syntax, but philosophy, what goals the developer of the language set for himself and how much he managed to achieve them, if this is what you like (how the language solves the tasks), then and learn it, and in order to have variety, I chose C #, Ruby and C ++ for myself, as quite diverse, but industrially demanded languages. Well, do not forget about related technologies, you can’t live without them, because any more or less large program requires a database,

Yuri Shikanov, 2014-01-01

Is it true that at the university, as well as at school (I'm talking about computer science and programming), they don't give practically any essential knowledge?

Yes it's true. With rare exceptions, universities do not teach anything useful in programming, and you should not hope for it.
C++ is quite difficult, especially for a beginner, but I still advise you to master it. Himself, too, in the class of 9-10m taught C ++ from the books of Schildt and Stroustrup. It was difficult but worth it, although I don't program in C++ now (more in Python), it was a very rewarding experience.
Further it will be easier, each next programming language, in my experience, is mastered faster and more pleasantly than the previous one (although of course a lot depends on the language itself).
In any case, it's worth trying something like Java/C++, then something interpreted like Python, and pick what you like best. I don't see anything wrong with this approach.

dmitry solnyshko, 2014-01-01

Forget the nonsense about the uselessness of traditional education. It's like being in the military - you'll have a different vantage point and you can use that.
I have not yet become a programmer, but I will give you advice that a cool programmer teacher gave me at the university. He told me: "Take and write in any programming language a graphic editor with the same capabilities as paint brush (.. those were the days of windows 3.11), and then contact me."
To paraphrase with more modern realities, take a ready-made software product (not necessarily open source), and create a similar one in terms of functionality.
When you do this, you yourself will understand and master a lot - in fact.
And where to apply later - then it will be seen :)
I wanted to write right away, but decided to think first.
This is advice to me personally, and to any person: Be as free as possible today and where you are now - in everything. Remember the electron (and particles in general), and its degrees of freedom, as well as the fact that it always strives to take a more favorable position for it from an energy point of view (such is its (conditionally) "living environment"); usually this position means maximum efficiency with minimum energy costs.
Do not work in an office with a mandatory schedule. Take advantage of developing telecommunications. Try (very individually, but ..) to be the master of yourself and everything that is already in your life, and will (it must be created, or conditions must be created for the appearance of this) - to live a full-fledged person.
Read herehabrahabr.ru/company/profishop/blog/201852 from paragraph 7.
I apologize for the possible near-propaganda nature of the addition. But .. when your beloved girl leaves you, whom you will never see again either in this life or after - due to the fact that you are a professional (...), but you don’t have time for her, you will understand that it is important to be free in everything.
I wish everyone on earth good luck in this :)

Dmitry, 2014-02-16

Hey, let me tell you my story.
My acquaintance with programming began when I was 5 years old. Then the father took out a computer from somewhere. Among other shortcuts in the "games" folder was the coveted .. Mario! Before that, I often saw this game with friends on consoles, but I couldn’t play enough of it) You can imagine how I wanted to play it .. but it wasn’t there. In the 3rd world, I always caught (as I already know) an exception and looked in bewilderment at a huge window with a red cross, text in English and an "ok" button. Once I was lucky, I was able to somehow elude the error, and get to the next level. My joy knew no bounds! I started with enthusiasm, but .. after a couple of steps I saw her again, already a familiar mistake. This was the last straw. Then I decided that I would create my own Mario and play it as much as I want) I started with what I drew in paint levels of the game. Then I built a computer from the constructor)) Then I somehow forgot, but the idea lived in me. In the 5th grade, my sister bought me a huge 600 page book on Delphi and then my dream became closer.
Reading the question, I remembered myself. A familiar feeling when there is no one to ask anything, when a program listing of one or two pages seems huge and incomprehensible, and when for the first time you understand why variables are in the program! I will never forget this feeling!
Why am I? @microwave, the fact that you are in the 9th grade means no more than what you yourself want and believe in yourself. From experience I will say that you are largely right about self-education, but you should use it, because understanding this is an advantage. You have already embarked on the path of self-improvement, go for it. Read books, ask, search, read again, ask again and search again. Set yourself a goal in order to know where you are going and so that your energy is not wasted in vain. Technology is a tool. A person who is fluent in the tool is a craftsman, a person who is fluent in crafts is a master, but this is not the limit.
At the university, knowledge is given, but to those who want to take it. If you do not learn from the university of knowledge, then option 2: either you are stupid, or you know more and do not need it. But, as a rule, 2e almost never occurs. If closer to the point, then at the university they can give the direction in which you should go and examiners who, from a more or less professional point of view, will be able to evaluate your progress. Plus, sometimes there can be very good acquaintances, but the university brings almost nothing without work on oneself.
Upd: I am planning small courses at the university. They will not be online, and the audience will be older, but so far I have neither one nor the other, but there is a desire and a little opportunity to share experience and knowledge. I leave mail for those who may need such help and be torn apart by spam bots: [email protected]

Pavel Zayko, 2014-01-01

Well, in general, they don’t give anything at the university, I taught everything myself. University is needed in order to teach you self-education. So read books and try, something will hook you :)

Artem Voronov, 2014-01-02

I will give you one simple advice - there are a lot of tasks around you in everyday life that you can solve with the help of programming. Work on them, gain experience, improve not only your knowledge of programming, but also problem solving, and in a few years you will become a valuable specialist. And it won't even matter what university and what specialty you entered.
Solve problems with different tools, experiment and as a result you will find those development tools that are most convenient for you.

andrej97, 2014-01-01

Colleague) I am also in the 9th grade and have a similar dream.
Can I get to know you, drop VK or Skype (as you prefer)

Alexander, 2014-01-02

I'll tell you this about the university.
When you are ripe for moving abroad, you will very much regret that you do not have an education relevant to your profession. I'll be a little arrogant and notice that I deliberately wrote "when" and not "if". It's only a matter of time if you have a head on your shoulders and an open mind.
Also, despite the uselessness in life of most of the knowledge that I acquired at the university, sometimes it was they who rendered a great service. So, for example, when my colleagues came to the current company, it was me who turned to me to explain to them questions on the theory of signals, since we have to deal with the recognition of sound signals. Of course, I don’t remember many formulas, but I know the principles and getting the details with the Internet is not a problem. Much more interesting is that looking at the amplitude versus time graph, I could give the most likely causes of the
resulting distortion. You understand that it is difficult to google the answers to such tasks.
Another point is not only horizons, but also hardening. Education in a serious university is associated with academic work. And not only with her, but also with the solution of many life situations. You get a lot of freedom, which you really want after school, and you need to learn how to properly manage it.
Personally, I have learned to understand how different people come across, how different approaches are required when you get into a mess and fate hangs in the balance. In the end, I still remember with a smile stories about "almost deductions" and how I got out of them. The bribe was not handed out to anyone.
All that was required was the most powerful mobilization of one's forces in order to learn the subject area in the shortest possible time. Perhaps it was this skill that most often helped me out in life and gave me confidence that I would cope with any difficulties.
And choosing and learning a programming language is not a problem at all.
You have an understanding of the area of ​​tasks that appeals to you - this is the main thing. Pick up your tools as you go.

Yuri Lobanov, 2014-01-01

- In the 9th grade you want to study
- Started, but still consider yourself incapable
- Mathematics and English are not a problem
- You read books
Yes, you will succeed in any way if you:
- it will be interesting
- you will find an applied
application whom to write, I think it is worth thinking about it. And you need to study, I mean traditional education. Because any specialty in isolation from reality is impossible. And reality will teach you trad.obrazovanie. Naturally, self-study should not be forgotten.

luckman, 2014-01-02

And I would devote more time to Olympiad programming at school, especially if I have good knowledge of mathematics.
Knowledge and ability to write basic algorithms will always come in handy.
I advise you to look:
acmp.ru/article.asp?id_text=513 acm.timus.ru
language is not important at all, Pascal may well be suitable for the first
study Olympiad programming circle for schoolchildren, communication with a good teacher will always be more productive than any book.

afiskon, 2014-01-02

Well, how much can you ask this question? :( eax.me/beginning-programming

Vadim Gush, 2014-01-04

I am also in the 9th grade, I am 16 years old, I program in Java, I create small games in OpenGL, now I am writing my own engine to do something cool on it later.
In general, I learned everything myself, they don’t really teach anything at school. At school, I was only introduced to Pascal, well, two months passed and I knew all of Pascal by heart, then I got tired of it (it was 8th grade), and I learned about c ++ and about its unprecedented speed. I programmed in C++ for a long time, but mostly I did something in the console.
In general, C++ seemed a bit complicated and inconvenient to me. Then I learned about Java and then it started.
Java seemed to me an excellent language, most importantly convenient and the fact that it ran on any OS. Then I got bored messing around with the console and started learning OpenGL in hopes of making a game. The first time I made a 2D game, well, then I got tired of this topic and switched to full-fledged 3D.
Now I'm learning shaders. I mainly learn from lessons on the Internet, tk. CodingUniverse. If something does not work, I also look for an answer on the Internet. In general, I learned everything thanks to the Internet.
And at school .... at school, they study everything ancient, as I tell the computer science teacher about OpenGL, but he doesn’t even know what it is.

Oleg Gamega, 2014-01-05

Is it true that at the university, as well as at school (I'm talking about computer science and programming), they don't give practically any essential knowledge?

How lucky - my ceiling is that I took a useful second course and then a little, there were a few more sensible teachers of practitioners from whom I learned some things, and only books, online communities, practice .... there is no other way (
pascal in my opinion as the first language is not desirable, in the future it can cause brain delphi
C - figurative syntax is now almost everywhere, you can’t run away from it, don’t renounce the web - most of the mobile applications are somehow connected with it
Try to read Laforet

petrovartur, 2014-10-08

Sometimes it’s not possible to become someone, since this is not a movie, but life, a programmer just needs to be born, why is that, I’ll tell you a little about how I didn’t become a programmer and why, but I didn’t refuse my gift, it helps like mine friends, and my main mentors. My parents motivated me all my 26, and even almost 27 years. Dad is a software engineer, self-taught, there were no books then in such quantity as now.
I got acquainted with programming only in the 10th grade, because. After 9th grade, I entered a technical school specifically aimed at programming, they taught Pascal, I didn’t understand anything, yes, I really wanted to be smarter in my eyes, to say that I understand, but I didn’t understand anything.
I don’t have five in math, but I know for a solid four, probably))). How come I don't understand. As a result, for the 10th grade, I had a test book in programming, and then we already had them, put 3 (satisfactory). I resigned myself to the fact that I'm an oak-oak, maybe not mine, maybe I'm better off doing Break-Dance and will continue to do it. But I wasn't very good at dancing either.
The new year was approaching, the first half of the 10th grade had passed, a computer was bought for me and my brother (each ))).
I didn't have a computer!
At the end of the 11th grade, I sat down at the computer at home and figured out what functions are and what procedures are, how to use modules.
As a result, at the exam I brought such a test for the exam, the program of which consisted of modules, one of which, by the way, was taken out by my brother somewhere. In general, I passed the exam with 5, my brother with 4.
Now I work as a system administrator, I love open-source, so I have to program. Because nothing is completely ready.
I don’t understand holivar about programming languages, write in what you know better, there is nothing ideal. There is no best operating system - there is an adequate user with experience who knows how to understand both Linux and Unix and Windows, MAC OS is expensive for me).
CONCLUSION: there is a time for everything, someone it breaks through, and sometimes it never breaks through in terms of programming. Learn from ready-made programs, don't go straight into C++, look towards Delphi, the same Pascal, but object-oriented. They will tell you better about what objects are when studying for higher education at a technical university, they will also tell you how the documentation that is required to promote the program is made. Well, first of all, look on the Internet for what is not there, but what is already there is no need to invent.

Artem, 2014-10-12

I’ll say a little off topic: I’m in shock, in grades 8-9-10 they worry that something is not working out for them. Yes, you are already awesome by the fact that you are trying. You still have so much time ahead, read books, google. The language is not so important now, the main thing is the principles of writing code. Algorithms, scopes, basics of hardware and OS. Make small (or big) crafts, rummage around in other people's sources. If something doesn't work, look for it. From experience, I can say that you can google anything.
PS To be honest, I'm a little jealous, because I myself firmly understood that I wanted to be a programmer and put my whole life into it only at 19, in my third year of university. Now, a year and a half later, I am graduating with a thesis in C ++ and I never cease to be amazed at how much can be done (in this case, learn, understand) in a short time. So don't worry, you can learn everything if you want.

Puma Thailand, 2014-01-02

Sign up for an Olympiad in Informatics, and the teacher will probably drive you on, in general, it doesn’t matter what language to learn, when you need to program something or fix it, I learn a new language in a day.

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