Answer the question
In order to leave comments, you need to log in
I want people with a different IP and WI-FI to be able to access this site. How to do it?
I want people with a different IP and WI-FI to be able to access this site.
The code itself is here:
import asyncio
from pywebio import start_server
from pywebio.input import *
from pywebio.output import *
from pywebio.session import defer_call, info as session_info, run_async, run_js
chat_msgs = []
online_users = set()
async def main():
global chat_msgs
put_markdown("## Добро пожаловать в онлайн чат!\nИсходный код данного чата укладывается в 100 строк кода!")
msg_box = output()
put_scrollable(msg_box, height=300, keep_bottom=True)
nickname = await input("Войти в чат", required=True, placeholder="Ваше имя", validate=lambda n: "Такой ник уже используется!" if n in online_users or n == '' else None)
chat_msgs.append(('', f'`{nickname}` присоединился к чату!'))
msg_box.append(put_markdown(f' `{nickname}` присоединился к чату'))
refresh_task = run_async(refresh_msg(nickname, msg_box))
while True:
data = await input_group(" Новое сообщение", [
input(placeholder="Текст сообщения ...", name="msg"),
actions(name="cmd", buttons=["Отправить", {'label': "Выйти из чата", 'type': 'cancel'}])
], validate = lambda m: ('msg', "Введите текст сообщения!") if m["cmd"] == "Отправить" and not m['msg'] else None)
if data is None:
msg_box.append(put_markdown(f"`{nickname}`: {data['msg']}"))
chat_msgs.append((nickname, data['msg']))
toast("Вы вышли из чата!")
msg_box.append(put_markdown(f' Пользователь `{nickname}` покинул чат!'))
chat_msgs.append(('', f'Пользователь `{nickname}` покинул чат!'))
put_buttons(['Перезайти'], onclick=lambda btn:run_js('window.location.reload()'))
async def refresh_msg(nickname, msg_box):
global chat_msgs
last_idx = len(chat_msgs)
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
for m in chat_msgs[last_idx:]:
if m[0] != nickname: # if not a message from current user
msg_box.append(put_markdown(f"`{m[0]}`: {m[1]}"))
# remove expired
if len(chat_msgs) > MAX_MESSAGES_COUNT:
chat_msgs = chat_msgs[len(chat_msgs) // 2:]
last_idx = len(chat_msgs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
start_server(main, debug=True, port=4168, cdn=False)
Answer the question
In order to leave comments, you need to log in
Place it where it will be accessible from other IPs and Wi-Fi.
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