xotonori12019-07-29 23:01:39
xotonori1, 2019-07-29 23:01:39

I posted a resume for a junior front-end position, I don’t understand what’s wrong with it?

Here is a link to a resume - https ://spb.hh.ru/resume/a63ae66eff06df85b40039ed1...
They don't even throw a test.
Perhaps the portfolio is weak or something else, tell me?

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9 answer(s)
DarthJS, 2019-07-30

June, especially at your age, a difficult path, (I was a June somewhere at the same age).
1) I didn’t post my resume and I’m sitting waiting, but send it wherever possible, communicate, persuade and strive for the goal. They don’t look for Junes, as soon as a June vacancy appears, the HR is already buried in resumes, so he is unlikely to climb somewhere else to look for you.
2) Constantly improve your resume, look at as many examples as possible, take note of good phrases and use them.
3) Send your resume with a cover letter - read how to write it correctly.
4) Well, improve your skills. Need to answer questions confidently

CityCat4, 2019-07-30

Well, what - we put ourselves in the place of a hack and imagine that we received such a CV.
A hyr (who thinks in his hyr categories, and they are not IT at all) has two questions at once:
- why is the tower not finished?
- why at 28 years of experience 3 months? What have you been doing all this time?

Daniil Maslov, 2019-07-29

First, what I would pay attention to is that the age and experience of the internship is only three months. In your case, it is better to indicate non-core experience, too, if any.
"Languages: HTML5/CSS3, Java Script ES 6-7-8, jQuery, Ajax" - JavaScript is merged, but Ajax and jQuery are not languages.
It is better to describe each item, for example, what can you do with Wordpress or Bitrix?
Again, Git is not a program.
The work itself is very simple and not intricate.
And at what level you can work with Vue is unclear.
And in addition to sending the resume itself, you also need to write unique cover letters to interest the employer, since the competition is very big and now you don’t stand out in any way.

Northern Lights, 2019-07-30

overabundance of IT people in the market - that's the problem

Developer, 2019-07-30

>"Programs: PhpStorm, Atom"
Straight jarring.
It's an IDE. Yes, these are programs, but that's what accountants say. We are programmers, and for us this is not a program, but an IDE, a tool.

keeprocking, 2019-07-30

In principle, everyone correctly painted for you:
- You seem to be just starting the language, but there is a Chore Door game. Chore is a fairly popular word in English, but hardly familiar to a junior developer. Someone might think (like me, for example) that the game code is taken from somewhere, and not written by you.
- Pro tip: Buy a domain like https://alexdmitriev.com and start doing two things from it:
1. Send emails from [email protected]
2. Start writing articles for your blog.
What is the second for? You are June at 28 without a tower. This is not a very pleasant situation, so you will be prejudiced. Fair? No. But that's the reality. And you need to prove the opposite, because the crust from the university does not work for you and age is against you.
How to do it? Write to the blog. Explain your story there. Why, why, where. Why front programming? Why did you start? Where did you come from? Why is there no tower? What are you, who are you and how are you.
Therefore, you need to show that you are: 1. Adequate 2. Know what you are doing at least to some extent 3. Ready to spend time learning something new (this is the scourge of IT, but also a ticket in the company, so at least visibility is necessary create).
To sum it up: Your resume is your blog along with your work. Write about yourself, tell your thought process. Your data in the resume is still playing against you, so you need to work it out on the blog.
- Rephrase "develop", "learn", "new". One gets the impression that you want to learn at the expense of a company that will hire you for 3 kopecks (which is still money), and then dump it. Here everyone is constantly learning in order to save a place for themselves.
- Results oriented. Immediately a link to a job, a blog post and something else. And so it's just words.

Denis, 2019-08-05

I read all the answers. And they are all heresy. I speak as an IT recruiter with 4 years of experience.
Nobody cares about the tower and the age of up to 35 years.
Add links to github and write a beautiful cover letter.

Ronald McDonald, 2019-07-29

Resume is hidden.
But I can foresee that you have no work experience, and you cannot be called a junior without it.

Konata Izumi, 2019-07-30

Some advice:
- "preferred method of communication" put the phone. Mail is a long time. It is unlikely that anyone will write a june. They call more willingly.
- Little experience (3 months internship - almost 0). You can add pet projects or freelance so that it is not so empty.
- "Key skills" indicate only those on which you can do something. Specified wordpress - should be able to pull the layout on it, connect a couple of plugins. Likewise for others.
- It's better not to write about any courses/codecademy - they'll take you for another white-teacher. The best way to show the skills of completed projects.
- In the "Examples of work" in addition to the code, I want to see them live. Put the frontend pages on github, or on hosting (there are free options like heroku, if there is no 200r for vdsku).
- An unfinished higher education will scare away - you just have to be ready to justify it, or cover it up with other pluses.

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