David Martin2013-11-20 02:22:28
David Martin, 2013-11-20 02:22:28

HTML+CSS+JS+PHP - does the perfect IDE exist?

After working exclusively in Visual Studio in C # / C ++, I had to master the skills of site building in the face of a multi-machine.
For work, the choice fell on the Eclipse IDE, with which I already had little experience, a bunch of manuals and Chikuenok, which inspired me to use it on my blog.
Actually for the frontend, Aptana was used with ZenCoding (Emmet) + a couple of other plugins.
For PHP - PDT.
For the first and second tasks, I switched between pre-configured perspectives.
But now there is a great, great desire to change the development environment and the question arises, which probably sounded a million times, what is better to use.
For the front-end, sublime text seems very tempting, but what about the back-end?
In addition, taking into account the fact that there are many small projects where PHP is used as an exclusive one or two scripts, and switching between two IDEs all the time is not very convenient for me.
What do you use and what do you recommend?
I really don't like the solutions from netbeans and jetbrains. I really want a cool debugger for php.

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10 answer(s)
Jonh Doe, 2013-11-20

I am using Coda. Look.

Webdesus, 2013-11-20

jetbrains products are the best in my opinion. Therefore, why not look towards phpstorm

Dmitry Filatov, 2013-11-20

netBeans is free, open source, I'm plodding along.

Nazar Mokrinsky, 2013-11-20

For absolutely everything (both front-end and back-end) I use JetBrains PhpStorm - I'm happy as an elephant, and I advise everyone on occasion.
Working in two IDEs even sounds crooked, it's scary to imagine how it is in practice.

Masterme, 2013-11-20

in a puffstorm, a very convenient step-by-step debugger. Send me an email and I'll show you how to set it up

Max Vecheslavov, 2013-11-20

Every day you have to work on several projects at the same time. Over the years, I have developed a very convenient combination of PHPStorm (for complex projects) + Coda (for small projects) + Text Wrangler (as an additional editor for storing code pieces) + Transmit (if you suddenly need an auxiliary ftp connection) + Sequel Pro (DB ) + Dash (for storing project snippets).
Such a successful bundle is obtained that there is no discomfort in the work. Although, of course, this is all subjective.

Denis Kainazarov, 2013-11-20

AptanaStudio3 is a pretty handy thing, but not for everyone.

CGS, 2013-11-20

If you don't like jetbrains, then try Nusphere PhpED (not cheap).

webbus, 2013-11-20


Ivan Karabadzhak, 2013-11-20

I am using PHPStorm. When you need to quickly edit something, then Notepad ++, WinSCP, HeidiSQL.

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