jaygen2018-04-11 01:19:04
jaygen, 2018-04-11 01:19:04

How virtualization works. Setting ip on each machine?

Good day !
1.Explain to a noob how virtualization works? or click on books
2. Suppose there is a server (presumably located in a garage and has an ethernet connection with 1 external ip address) on which we installed Vwmanager and want to deploy 5 virtual machines on this server. Each virtual machine will need its own external ip address to access it. I heard that you can buy a block of ip addresses from third-party brokers ... but I have no idea how this block of ip will communicate with the server? If there are any manuals, please leave a link or describe how it generally happens this bundle.
Even if the server was in the data center, it is still connected via one ethernet connector, but you can somehow hang a bunch of external ip addresses on it

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3 answer(s)
Ivan, 2018-04-11

You can pick up on one of the VPN virtual machines and put it on the Internet. The rest, assign internal adapters and gain access through a VPN machine.
In general, you can solve the problem in many ways, including buying a pool of addresses, but in general it is expensive, cumbersome, and often not necessary.
And why is there a server with virtual machines in the garage?

CityCat4, 2018-04-11

There is a book - Olifer and Olifer. Computer networks

awesomer, 2018-04-12

I heard that you can buy a block of ip addresses from third-party brokers ... but I have no idea how this block of ip will communicate with the server?

and how does your home IP connect, what did your Internet provider give you - do you understand?
there is no need to buy an IP - they are issued by the one who provides you with Internet access.
the point is that IP purchases are for specific purposes only.

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