Mephistophele2014-01-31 12:11:17
Project management
Mephistophele, 2014-01-31 12:11:17

How to write technical documentation for a project?

Good afternoon.
The customer really wants technical documentation for the project. In his expectations, "it" looks like this: commits with keys to jira, with a detailed description of the code, with developer comments, as well as the time spent on each task. With all this, he will be longing to keep this monster in the form of one large pdf file. Actually, here it’s a no brainer that the team will start to scatter from such “happiness”. Maybe someone has examples of documentation with code descriptions that can more or less satisfy the above fantasies, but remain within reasonable decency?

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4 answer(s)
rinx, 2014-01-31

Look towards GOST34. There are already established standards. It is not necessary to use all of this, but you can take what is really important and interesting.

Yuri Lobanov, 2014-01-31

Is he willing to pay for this? No matter how much the cost of documentation exceeds the cost of working on the project..

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2014-02-01

Oh, write a parse of tasks from the jira, somehow link the history of commits to it, who did it, format it and send it to PDF.
I see it this way.

Edward Tibet, 2015-02-19

Good afternoon!
In general, for such a purpose (namely, documentation on the code, if I understood the question correctly), there are special utilities that allow you to extract documentation / comments (written by developers directly in the code). Have you looked at doxygen ( www.doxygen.org )?
PS It's not clear why all this is _stored_ in pdf. PDF is a presentation medium, not a storage/processing format.

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