TAndrey2019-12-15 19:53:51
Operating Systems
TAndrey, 2019-12-15 19:53:51

How to write an operating system from scratch (without special knowledge)?

I'm in the 9th grade and I'm madly in love with computer science (it just so happened). It became interesting to me: How to write an operating system from scratch? Unfortunately, I know no more than what they do in school (maybe a little more). Tell me, please, what do I need to know for this and what to be prepared for? Yes, the question was asked a little early, but I'm ready for any difficulties and difficulties. I have time. The desire to know more than they give.

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4 answer(s)
paran0id, 2019-12-15

https://habr.com/ru/post/104988/ part 2
for example, you
will need a LOT of special knowledge

Talyan, 2019-12-15

The desire to know more than they give.

you can’t even write in Russian, and you are already going to invent an operating system.

FanatPHP, 2019-12-15

There is a good anecdote on this subject .
Follow the advice of the great composer, start small. A phone app, a small website, a simple Windows game like tic-tac-toe. After that, you can decide what you like more. And if the desire to write an operating system does not disappear, then start learning Linux

CityCat4, 2019-12-16

Damn, I thought - again Danya, the champion of crazy questions... :)

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