Bakotiinii2012-04-17 15:56:58
Bakotiinii, 2012-04-17 15:56:58

How to write a business plan?

Good afternoon.

Faced a problem: It is necessary to write a business plan for a web project (content site)


1) What should be in it?
2) How detailed should the information be?
3) What should be emphasized in order to interest investors?

Friends, an accountant and a manager give completely different models of business plans, so I got lost.

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4 answer(s)
Mikhail Lyalin, 2012-04-18


Maxim Shishkin, 2012-04-17

A standard business plan consists of the following sections:
Description of the service, project or product
Production plan (in case the company will produce something)
Sales: market analysis and implementation opportunities
Identification of competitiveness
Marketing strategies (tools, advertising, etc.)
Organizational plan
Financial opportunities and results of the company, plan, payback, profit, etc.
Summary (it is drawn up after the business plan and in no case before)

Eternalko, 2012-04-18

* breaking away from writing a business plan to order *
In order to write a business plan (other than what you read on the net), you need to create a business model.
In excel.
More or less like this.
And here are the same 15 tabs.
When this appears, you will see a real business plan.
Identify “bottlenecks”, i.e. values ​​that affect the profitability of the entire business. Basically, these are prices and the number of customers.
Squeegee costs, investments, employees.
Focus on Finn. indicators.
Also put emphasis on the very concept of business and exit strategy.
Check out Mint.com's Pinch Deck. They put accents well
. Good luck!

olg_2001, 2019-05-13

The business plan should contain both management data and accounting documentation. Step-by-step guide for drawing up business plans https://planbusiness.pro/

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