Topsky2016-08-03 22:36:35
Google Chrome
Topsky, 2016-08-03 22:36:35

How to work with chrome.storage.sync.(get\set)?

Dear, I need help, I can't figure out how to work with chrome.storage.sync via content-script...

    "name": "PTS",
    "version": "1.0",
    "manifest_version": 2,
            "matches": ["https://google.ru/"],
            "js": ["jquery.js", "include.js"]
    "background": {
           "scripts": ["window.js"]
        "default_popup": "window.html",
        "default_title": "PTS"

The essence of the extension, just updating the page at intervals.
I can’t make a settings window, not through options.html, but through my own popup.html (window.html - in my case)
-- This is Window.js, this code is controlled from window.html, just a popup, with a text box , and the save button.
  chrome.storage.sync.get('interval', function (result) 
   		$('body > form > input[type="text"]').val(result.interval)

  $("body > form > button").click(function()
    chrome.storage.sync.set({"interval" : $('body > form > input[type="text"]').val()})
    chrome.notifications.create({type: 'basic', iconUrl: 'icon.jpg', title: "", message: "\nИнтервал успешно сохранен." }, function(){window.close();})


This is include.js - content script

        var INTERVAL = 600000;


The question is, how can I get data from window.js (which has access to the chrome.storage (api) storage
, into include.js (which does not have direct access to api)
I need to write and read data in window.js for settings (interval )
And get this data from window.js, i.e. read (interval) from chrome.storage.sync

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Burov, 2016-08-03

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