Ksander882020-05-08 00:12:58
Ksander88, 2020-05-08 00:12:58

How to upload media files from the site?

Hello, is it possible to upload all the photos from the site (more than 3000)? The Export Media Library plugin does not help, it downloads an empty archive.

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3 answer(s)
Zagoruyko Victor, 2020-05-08


Pavel Pavel, 2020-05-08

Are you a site administrator? Or is it a third party site?

Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-05-08

1) If you have access via ftp, then via ftp
2) If you do not have access to ftp, then write a parser and download photos
3) Or alternatively, you can download the entire site via wget
See how to install wget on your computer
wget -r -k -l 10 -p -E -nc http://site.com/
4) If If you have access to the site, you can use the Wordpress REST API to download data

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