kirawa2019-04-08 09:26:15
kirawa, 2019-04-08 09:26:15

How to unsubscribe from progress?

Good afternoon. Is it possible to move progress to the container level, which is filled with fragments.
Is this normal practice?

public interface ProgressOwner {

    void setProgressState(boolean refreshing);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        android:id="@+id/progress_horizontal" />
        android:id="@+id/fragmentContainer" />

how to hide progress or unsubscribe from a task so that everything is displayed correctly when fragments transition. or is it better to use your progress
for each fragment.
                new WMSClient().send(Const.COMMAND)
                        .doOnSubscribe(disposable -> getViewState().showProgress())
                        .doOnDispose(() -> getViewState().hideProgress())
                        .subscribe(response -> getViewState().openWorkListFragment(response),
                                throwable -> getViewState().showError(throwable.getMessage()))

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