Ravil2019-12-02 16:19:13
Career in IT
Ravil, 2019-12-02 16:19:13

How to understand that you are a middle front-end developer?

I work as a junior front-end developer, I have a couple of questions for those who have already gone this way.
I will be very interested to know your opinion. Thank you for every answer

  • How to understand that you are already a middle front-end developer?
  • How is junior different from middle front-end?
  • What does the middle know that the junior front-end developer does not know?
  • What is the process of promotion to middle front-end developer in companies?
  • What is the difference between junior and middle front-end developer responsibilities?
  • By what criteria are they compared?
  • A set of skills for a middle front-end developer?
  • How to become a middle front-end developer?

PS It is not necessary to answer absolutely all questions)
But it will be cool if it works)

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2 answer(s)
Andrew, 2019-12-02

"We will call you senior tomato, just don't ask for a raise in salary"
If you can prove to the manager (the one who directly affects your salary) that you are worthy of paying the middle, you are the middle.

Ronald McDonald, 2019-12-02

How to understand that you are already a middle front-end developer?

Try to get a middle position, but this is not an indicator.
In the normal realm, that a thought can be trusted to write code without checking it. June needs to be controlled.
They should not differ in knowledge, experience and ability to apply a standard solution, yes.
Then I got tired of answering the same idiotic questions.

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