Miracle_Coder2018-05-02 20:38:11
Miracle_Coder, 2018-05-02 20:38:11

How to translate the number of products in Wordpress?

There is a site https://mixmobile24.ru/shop/. Under each product picture there is a number of products. You need to translate "items" into Russian. I fight all day. I can't figure out how to do it. In the admin panel, if you go to this page, it's completely empty. Found a shortcode

if ( ! is_wp_error( $terms ) && $terms ) {
          $category             = $terms[0];
          $term_id              = $category->term_id;
          $thumbnail_id         = absint( get_woocommerce_term_meta( $term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true ) );
          $small_thumbnail_size = apply_filters( 'martfury_category_box_thumbnail_size', 'shop_catalog' );

          $image_html = '';
          if ( $thumbnail_id ) {
            $image_html = martfury_get_image_html( $thumbnail_id, $small_thumbnail_size );

          $count = $category->count;

          $item_text = esc_html__( 'items', 'martfury' );
          if ( $count <= 1 ) {
            $item_text = esc_html__( 'item', 'martfury' );

          $count .= ' ' . apply_filters( 'martfury_category_box_items_text', $item_text, $count );

          $term_list[] = sprintf(
            '<div class="%s col-cat"><a class="term-item" href="%s">%s <h3 class="term-name">%s <span class="count">%s</span></h3></a></div>',
            esc_attr( $classes ),
            esc_url( get_term_link( $term_id, 'product_cat' ) ),

But if you change "items" to something else there, or even delete this piece, nothing on the site changes. Please help what to do about it? SOS!

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1 answer(s)
Pychev Anatoly, 2018-05-02

You have the esc_html__ translator function there, so look for the translation in the translation files.
These are files of type ххххх-ru_RU.po and ххххх-ru_RU.mo They are opened by the poedit program. After editing, be sure to generate a file with the .mo extension and replace the previous one. And I think everything will fall into place.

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