Alex2015-11-07 16:36:37
Alex, 2015-11-07 16:36:37

How to transfer all media attachments from one site to another?

How to copy all attachments from all posts of one Wordpress site to another?
And do not copy the posts themselves, pages and other types of posts.
Also, I would like to exclude those media attachments that were not uploaded for any particular record.
Perhaps there is some kind of plugin for synchronization via CDN?
To install the plugin on the first site. Synchronize images (upload to CDN). Then install it on the second one and synchronize again (download from CDN).

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2015-11-07


Super User, 2015-11-07

Standard WordPress export and import will help you. And here is this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-attachment-export/

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