Khatsaev952014-07-19 01:16:46
Khatsaev95, 2014-07-19 01:16:46

How to transfer a site from wix to another hosting and upload it to another hosting?

Hello, how to transfer a site from wix to another hosting please help me, I need to download it and upload it to another hosting.

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5 answer(s)
lnked, 2014-07-19

The client requested the same.
I downloaded the layout of the site with a program, teleportPro, cleaned it up and posted the layout on another hosting)) then screwed it to my engine

Alexey Kalinin, 2014-07-19

They use their own CMS, and it is unlikely that you will be given sources to use on another hosting.

Mark B1, 2014-07-20

Ask an intelligent web programmer to make a model according to the version of your site. Moreover, you will transfer to some engine, and the principles of assembly are different for everyone.

BrakBanana, 2015-09-15

About the familiar topic about Wix))) I barely left it myself. I tried, as they said at the beginning, how to start the teleportPro site, then sculpt the HTML template, but the layout is awful shit (((I was tinkering for three days, until I realized that it was not worth it.
In general, I gave this horror to Webhubpub to be torn to pieces. They did it in 5 days, the price which was about 4000 rubles. They pulled it on the engine and uploaded it to the hosting)))

sveta_wp, 2021-05-11

I also got confused in order to save the template from this Wix. But I came across an article https://dampi.ru/kak-perenesti-sayt-s-wix
It only tells how to take your domain and that's it. But I also wanted to take the template, it is the most chic in the world, approved even by the grandmother of the general. I talked with the author, he showed what people are doing on the same elementor, and I realized how poor this Wix is ​​and that it really makes sense to take only the domain from there, there is nothing more important there.

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