Daniel2017-02-02 16:21:03
Daniel, 2017-02-02 16:21:03

How to train (not lose shape) in the army?

Good day.
He graduated from the university in the direction of applied mathematics and computer science. I know PHP at a level just below junior. He planned to connect his further activity with programming. But the problem is that I will be in the army for another 9 months and I would not want to waste them. There is enough free time, but there is a problem with technology. There is access to a computer with IE 6 on board and without access to the Internet, but the Internet is on the phone.
What do you advise to do or what to read in order to develop at least a little in this matter.
Thank you.

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10 answer(s)
display: block, 2017-02-02


GreatRash, 2017-02-02

9 months is nothing at all. Serve calmly and don't worry.

Konstantin Nagibovich, 2017-02-02

I will be in the army for 9 months and I would not want to waste them

In the case of urgent service, this is practically not realistic.

di23, 2017-02-02

Download a bunch of books to your mobile phone. Not only in programming, but in general for general development. And read. There are no more options.
Although ... you can write code in the sand with a stick. Quite in the spirit of the army. )))

Denis Fedorets, 2017-02-03

download a book on the basics and read. in algorithms, in patterns, in mathematics, in English (artistic, near-technical in English). read "SLR via C#", "Perfect Code", "Clean Code", "Passionate programmer". Read the Gang of Four book. Read and understand the basic algorithms. This will be enough for you to demobilize.
And one more thing - be careful and do not sleep with the Internet on a service computer. When we slept like that at one time, we had a very unpleasant conversation with the special officer (and talking with them, for any reason, is disgusting than a colonoscopy session. Even when not guilty. And even if it flew in ...)
good luck.

uvelichitel, 2017-02-02

You can read Donald Knuth. Enough for 9 months.

Rou1997, 2017-02-02

If there is a head, then it is best to start preparing desertion in this situation.
Well, in the meantime, the plan is being prepared, or in case you still don’t have a head (the fact that you have enough time in the army for self-development is a bad sign):
Having the Internet, it seems that it’s not a problem to install a new browser, although many of them try to install only via the Internet on a PC, all the same, I assure you, you can always come up with something, at the same time it’s useful for your head.
It seems like it's also not a problem, to distribute it from the phone.
In extreme cases, with the help of several hundred rubles a month, you can secure yourself a normal machine in the form of a VPS (remote desktop), there is an RDP client for Android, although it cannot be physically controlled from the phone, and there is little to be seen on such a display You need at least a tablet.

Roman Mirilaczvili, 2017-02-02

Also install some language interpreters and their documentation: lua, python, mruby. You can play with the output of various types of graphics through HTML, JS, svg, canvas.
To manipulate data, learn SQL using the SQLite DBMS.
You can download the source code of some interesting project to your phone and study it up and down.

Vladimir, 2017-02-02

If you have access to the Internet (3g), you can use https://c9.io/
In general, they were correctly advised about the books.
There is such a Talmud as www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3159814
There is www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2457392 You
can read Knut

Denis Karakchiev, 2017-03-20

In such a situation, I ordered a couple of books for myself and calmly read them instead of watching the news daily, as well as on weekends. Plus, I sewed a notebook for myself, wrote down pieces of code there for studying and memorizing in outfits, in anticipation of formations, etc. There is a lot of time, there would also be strength to use it.

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