link002015-06-14 20:52:24
link00, 2015-06-14 20:52:24

How to teach PhpStorm to remember collapsed blocks?

PhpStorm has the ability to "fold" blocks of code. aa5cd-clip-35kb.png?nocache=1
After rebooting the PC, the IDE does not remember collapsed blocks, and those that were collapsed are displayed expanded again. How can I make Storm remember them? Something did not find it in the settings.

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2 answer(s)
He11ion, 2015-06-15

//<editor-fold desc="Краткое описание того, что внутри."  defaultstate="collapsed">

Try it.

Michael R., 2021-03-03

PhpStorm 2020.2.3
Windows 10 10.0

Preserves collapsed sections of code:
Settings> Editor> General> Code Folding> Custom folding regions.
UPD: if you collapse a section of code and immediately exit the program, then it is likely that the collapsed code will not be minimized after entering the program. It is necessary to withstand some delay (3-5 sec) after folding the code section, before exiting the program.

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