pcdesign2015-04-18 12:47:24
pcdesign, 2015-04-18 12:47:24

How to teach Dial to use Follow me?

There is some context in the file: /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf

exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/204,20,m(default)tw)

Number 204 has a registered mobile phone in followe me.
How to make followe me count when calling?
And to call not only vulture, but also a mobile phone.
It is clear that you can prescribe for each case:
exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/trunk_name/7909xxxxxxx,40,m(default)tw)

But it's very inconvenient. The numbers are constantly changing, and in general ...
Are there any other ways?

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2 answer(s)
pcdesign, 2015-04-23

Invented the bicycle.
I wrote a perl module that accesses the MySQL database and pulls out the necessary information from there:
follow me mobile number and current track.

#         FILE: followme.pm
#  DESCRIPTION: Модуль, который выдает текущий транк на исход, а так же выдает
#                               номер мобильного в follow me
#        FILES: ---
#         BUGS: ---
#        NOTES: ---
#       AUTHOR: YOUR NAME (),
#      VERSION: 1.0
#      CREATED: 04/22/2015 11:58:36 AM
#     REVISION: ---

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

package Followme;

our $dbh_ast = 
DBI->connect( 'dbi:mysql:dbname=asterisk;host=localhost', 'dbuser', 'pass' ) or die;

sub new {
    my ( $class, %self ) = @_;
    bless \%self, $class;
    return \%self;

sub get_followme {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ext  = $self->{ext};
    my $sql  = 'SELECT `grplist`  FROM `findmefollow` WHERE `grpnum` 
                           LIKE ? AND `grplist` LIKE ?';
    my ($followme_phone) = $dbh_ast->selectrow_array( $sql, undef, $ext, $ext . '-%' );
    if ($followme_phone) {
        $self->{followme_phone} = substr $followme_phone, 5, -1;
        return $self->{followme_phone};
    else {
        return undef;

sub get_current_trunk {
    my $self = shift;
    my $sql  = 'SELECT t.name, t.dialoutprefix
                           FROM  `outbound_route_trunks` o,  `trunks` t
               WHERE t.disabled LIKE  "off"
                           AND o.trunk_id = t.trunkid
                           ORDER BY o.seq ASC 
                           LIMIT 0 , 1';
    my ( $trunk_name, $dialoutprefix ) = $dbh_ast->selectrow_array($sql);
    $self->{dialoutprefix} = $dialoutprefix;
    return $trunk_name.'/'.$dialoutprefix.$self->{followme_phone};


And it's used like this:
use Followme;
my $f = Followme->new( ext => "100" );
if ( $f->get_followme() ) {
    my $followme = $f->get_current_trunk();
    $AGI->exec( 'Dial', 'SIP/' . $followme . ',40,m(default)tw' );

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