ArtemZA2016-01-14 22:31:18
ArtemZA, 2016-01-14 22:31:18

How to sync database in android app with database server?

I have an idea to develop an online store.
And there was an idea to change the price of goods in the application and not on the site
, how can this be done?
which databases are desirable and to use? (In my thoughts, use SQLite and MySQL)

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2 answer(s)
Valery Ryaboshapko, 2016-01-15

So REST API. The mobile app is just a wrapper around this API. It logs in, requests data, shows it to you. If you change something in the application, it generates an appropriate change request and sends it to the server. Where and how the server writes, the mobile application does not concern at all, this is not his concern. In the same way, the server does not care what information and how the mobile application caches it. You can simply cache JSON with data, you can deploy a full-fledged database and store a complete copy of the data there. The bottom line is that there is no need to exchange dumps over the SQL network, only strictly regulated interaction through the API. It is, after all, much safer.

FoxInSox, 2016-01-14

Using HTTP requests.

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