WASDQWERTY2020-06-25 22:31:13
WASDQWERTY, 2020-06-25 22:31:13

How to start studying radio engineering?

I became interested in radio engineering, and therefore I wanted to ask a reasonable question: "What books, courses should be studied in order to more or less understand this area?"

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4 answer(s)
Viktor, 2020-06-25

You are not the first to ask this question, I have answered it here many times ( here is my last answer ). To save time, I'll copy it here:
Since it is highly desirable not to limit the study of electronics to one theory, and practical exercises are absolutely necessary, it is best to start this business with learning how to use a soldering iron.
This is a value judgment of a person who has been doing this for the last 55 years and has not yet stopped building up his soldering skills.

Grigory Boev, 2020-06-26

Read and watch everything you can get your hands on . If you feel that the material comes with a creak, take something a little simpler, as my teacher said (on electronics, by the way. The smartest man): " Do not shun books for dummies . The information is well structured and quickly perceived there"
Naturally, you need to know and understand school basics . Circuit descriptions
are very helpful - always read them and try to understand, memorize circuit patterns. It's like with letters and words: first you understand how the individual components work (resistor, capacitor, diode, etc.), then you understand the chains(Graetz bridge, RC chain, LC circuit, etc.) and then think in broader abstractions (gain stage, low-pass filter, etc.).
From online, I can recommend the site of Artemy Islamov, aka DiHalt - Electronics for everyone . He helped me get started in microcontrollers.
From the books - Mil G. Models with remote control - this book filled me very much - there, from the simplest basics to fairly advanced schemes, it is explained on the fingers.

Alexander Pisarev, 2020-06-26

We must ask ourselves the question: "For what purpose? What do I want to do, what to get as a result?"
The answer will give direction. Direction will give tools. It remains to find sources for the tools.

VT100, 2020-06-26

Mathematics and theoretical foundations of electrical engineering. At a minimum - arithmetic, the beginning of trigonometry, degrees and logarithms, derivative and integral, Laplace transform. Plus Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's rules, reactive elements, 3- and 4-terminal networks and long lines.

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