JamesDodger2019-06-05 13:23:13
Career in IT
JamesDodger, 2019-06-05 13:23:13

How to start earning as a novice web developer at 17?

Hey! I'm 17 and finished 10th grade. I have been doing web development for a year now and I really like to develop in this area, I plan to enter a university in the Czech Republic for borderline IT specialties.
It’s summer now and I would like to start making money on the web and saving for studying (there is a budget for admission, but it won’t be enough, the parents themselves won’t be able to pull it out, so now we need to save more). I want to get a job as a junior in a web studio remotely, but the problem is that I have exams in the 11th grade, despite the fact that in the Czech Republic they don’t look at the exam, but I don’t want to cut off bridges right away, because I need to prepare for them, but combine I can't study or work. In this case, freelancing is the way out - for a long time I wanted to fly into it and start making money, but it doesn’t work: customers do not accept my offer, because. Zero reviews (portfolio available).
I don’t know what to do, which method to choose - it’s unlikely that they will take me to the studio for 3 months, but experience and money are needed. Maybe get a freelance job as an assistant? How to start making money freelancing? What suggestions and advice or options do you have? I would be very grateful for your help)
PS I live in Zalupinsk, so I can't find other jobs here, because I need to save money to live in another country.

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6 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2019-06-05

How to start earning as a novice web developer at 17?

McDonald's, construction, lawn mowing.
None. Never. Doesn't take. Junov. At a distance. Dot.
No way.
Every goddamn it, a week of such posts. Well, google at least on the Toaster.
In short: this is a very bad plan, the wild competition of people with knowledge and experience above yours will not give you any chance. Choose another area.

CityCat4, 2019-06-06

Damn, and I thought - what broke through something like that? Well, the "nights of drunken bows" died down :)
TS and all former schoolchildren - firstly, carefully, letter by letter re-read Ronald McDonald 's answer - this will save you all a lot of nerves, time, self-esteem and health.
remotely. Only a seasoned specialist who has his own portfolio and who can dictate the terms of employment is hired remotely. Jun can only be taken to the office, because no one needs to be responsible for the fact that he broke another deadline - and there is nothing to ask him! If June got a job in the office - for anymoney (any money here - it's in a completely literal sense!) - he should sing the corporate anthem with happiness :) And buzz with an electric broom, work, gain experience, remembering that he is nobody and there is no way to call him.
Yes, freelancers make money. And sometimes it’s even decently so that it’s not a shame to say :)
But they have been going to this income for years. If someone thinks that he has registered on freelance.ru and expensive and simple orders will immediately flow to him, it is better for him to crack his forehead in order to wake up. It is impossible for a junior to earn
already high competition...
If you want to earn money over the summer, and not count a penny for travel, leave your dreams of working at home. Even people with a hundredfold higher level of self-organization than yesterday's schoolchild cannot work at home. Go to McDonald's - just don't go crazy, but work, at a construction site, in promoters, deliver leaflets, walk other people's dogs ...
Welcome to the tough and ruthless world of adults. All of you, it seems, were in such a hurry to get into it - to plump and feel the girls? You are welcome. But do not be offended by the harshness of the reaction - the world really does not care about you ...

Eugene Wolf, 2019-06-05

I want to get a job as a junior in a web studio remotely
I'm not sure that remotely you will learn something special. Usually either seasoned pros work remotely, or those who do not understand what all this threatens them with ...
It's summer now and I would like to start making money on the web and save up for study
Taking into account your work experience, and a limitation of a few months. - I'm afraid to disappoint you, but you are unlikely to earn any worthwhile sums.
but I don't want to cut bridges right away
The exam can be retaken...
But I can't balance work and study.
I would not recommend trying to combine them, I remember at one time I myself lived like this (because I had to pay for my studies), for about half a year ... "Neither here nor there."
portfolio is
Quality? Show?
I do not know what to do
Choose one thing, either study or work.
unlikely to be taken to the studio for 3 months
They would most likely take them to the office, especially if you do not tell them that for 3 months. (although that would not be very fair of you). But the salary there would most likely be like this ... what is called "for ice cream."
Maybe get a freelance job as an assistant?
When I wanted to learn how to disassemble cars in the device, I asked for assistants to anyone, "for free", "for food" agreeing to almost any conditions.
How to start making money freelancing?
Something like this:
1. Sign up for freelancing
2. Make a few orders (better than small ones) for a "thank you" (or so)
3. Collect some positive feedback from customers
4. Start earning slowly ...
*when I promoted a web studio ( own) - we often made small orders in the literal sense of "thank you", just to enter the market ...
What suggestions and advice or options do you have?
Look for a job in the nearest office, if you are offered a salary that is enough to rent a room + buy food + travel to work and back (if there are no studios nearby) - consider that it’s not bad. Or to study and along the way self-development.
Hey! I am 17
Hey! Are you sure you're 17? Apart from spaces before punctuation marks, literate speech, for a person aged 17...

Undo Redo, 2019-06-05

Well, look, I'm in a similar situation myself. Also the exam in a year, school, but the only difference is that I live in the capital and want to go to an IT company in Japan.
Now to the heart of the matter. In general, you can get a part-time job with one of your friends (I think that in your company there is at least one who would like to have his own website). It is possible to get a freelance job, but, again, not in a large company. You can go to extremes to different groups in the same freelance contact and find someone there. If you really really need feedback, then you can follow the example of the author of books about Python Corey Althoff . At the end, he says that you can register on the forum, a la Upwork and do not forget to invite therea friend who will act as an employer. There he will ask you to make some kind of site, you do it, he makes a positive review about you and popularity begins to go to you. There is nothing difficult in this. The most important thing is not to merge at the end, as many do, and achieve your high-level goals!)

Bongie, 2019-06-05

I came here with serious intentions, but after reading the advice of schoolchildren - to a schoolboy - I neighed. And I went to their profile neighing.
You don't have to go anywhere. While you're doing shit, you don't have to go to orders. Think about the customer

Lone Ice, 2019-06-06

Schoolchildren... Learn better, so from you about freelancing there are only nasty things on my mind. The web is a pissing swamp where you will sit ass 24/7 trying to earn money on freelancing, or 10-12/7 making an uncle rich for whom you will work hard. And I don’t need to fill in here about your 10+ years of work experience. Macaques remain macaques no matter how much they get.

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