Igor Krivintsov2020-07-13 14:02:34
Igor Krivintsov, 2020-07-13 14:02:34

How to set up Mikrotik port forwarding?

Good afternoon, please tell me the solution in this matter.
There is office A with external ip and office B with external ip , office "A" has a server with a virtual machine, a VPN connection to office "B" is created in this machine. Port forwarding is configured on the virtual machine, and it is possible to go, for example, to this address, everything is fine, but when VPN is connected, this option is not available. Since there is a checkbox to use the remote network gateway, you need to configure port forwarding in office "B" and only then will I go to the virtual machine. How to make it so that the VPN is connected and for access from outside use the ip of office "A

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1 answer(s)
hint000, 2020-07-13

/ip firewall nat add action=src-nat chain=srcnat dst-port=3389 protocol=tcp dst-address= to-addresses=
where - Mikrotik - PS virtual machine
In a more general case, something like Policy-based Routing would be required https://habr.com/ru/post/101796/
https://habr.com/ru /post/114197/
But the problem is that this would have to be configured in a virtual machine, and Windows is too poor an OS for such tricky network tricks.

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