grabbee2019-06-09 07:49:08
grabbee, 2019-06-09 07:49:08

How to set up `if` autocompletion in PhpStorm?

IF block substitution does not work for me as described in the documentation

PhpStorm automatically completes the construct and adds the required punctuation, and the caret is placed at the next editing position.

Instead of this
Only: `if ()` - no brackets ;(
I would like to have a full template

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2 answer(s)
Alexander, 2019-06-09

if ($PARAM$) {

If I understand correctly

Dmitry, 2019-06-09

Good morning.
In PHPStorm 2018.3, such a thing works.
Enter such a construction and press Enter As a result, you get

if ($a) {

Enter this and press Enter . As a result, you get the following
if ($a>=0) {

For everything to work, the cursor must be at the end of the input line.
More details can be found in Settings->Editor->General->Postfix Completion->PHP

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